Kiramman's "suitor" pt. 2

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A/N: And this one goes for those that actually wanted wholesomeness, but it came out way earlier because of Morning_Blankets. So, ladies and gentlemen, you owe Lexi a "thank you"

The one where: After the events of part 1, Y/N and Caitlyn try to figure out where they stand with each other (AU)

Featuring: Y/N (Unscarred), Caitlyn, Jayce, Powder, Vi

Happens around: Alternate Act 2

Here we go!


"And it's with my utmost pleasure that I reveal to you, the new era of progress!"

Jayce announced proudly with lifted arms and a smile, and after a few seconds, he turned to you, who were leaning against a desk in front of him

Jayce: What do you think?

You hummed briefly before giving him an answer

You: You're too tense, man. Try to loosen up a little

A sigh left the young man's lips when you said that, and all the tension he held in that pose vanished along with his smile

Jayce: I know, I know. I just...I can never get used to the whole opening speech thing

Currently, Jayce was practicing his speech for the upcoming Progress Day, which was bound to happen in just a few hours, and like a good friend, you offered to help him sound a bit more...genuine

You were at the laboratory Jayce and Viktor never seemed to leave, but the door was left open to let some air in. You got off the desk and placed a hand on his shoulder

You: Hey, you're gonna do great. These people love you

Then, you gestured at the object in the middle of the room, hidden

You: Just like they'll love whatever it is you're hiding under those sheets

This earned a chuckle from the man of tomorrow

Jayce: I told you, you can't get a peek at the new invention

You: Aww, come on man!

You jokingly groaned at this statement. He's been talking wonders about this damn thing, whatever it was

You: I rea--

However, you stopped the moment your eyes caught up on something, or rather, someone

Having the door open like that, made for some unexpected interruptions. Namely, the woman with dark blue hair that walked past the laboratory

You found yourself gasping when you saw her. It really was her

Jayce: Y/N? Is something wrong?

Instead of answering, you acted out of instinct and marched towards the door, holding onto the door as you asked openly

You: Cait? Is that you?

However, by the time you reached the halls, there was nobody there. A crushing disappointment replaced your hope, interrupted only by the hand you felt on your shoulder

Slowly, you turned around to see Jayce giving you a saddened smile. He didn't say anything, but he understood well the reason for this sudden action

Ever since her birthday, Caitlyn had practically vanished. Granted, she had way more responsibilities now as a Sheriff, but still, it felt she was avoiding you

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