Demolition crew

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The one where: Silco never showed up and Y/N kept supporting Powder's inventions (AU)

Featuring: Powder, Y/N

Happens around: Alternate Acts 1 & 3

Here we go!


"Y-You told them what!?"

Powder nearly choked on her drink when you told her the news. And to make it worse, you repeated it in the same calm tone

You: I told them that your bombs would get rid of the trash blocking the canal

You sat at The Last Drop. You had summoned your sister to give her the big news

One of The Lanes' biggest sources of water was being overtaken by the trash piling up, so it had to be removed, all of it

This was a humongous task since it was way too much trash, but you had an idea. One that was currently giving Powder the scare of her short life

Powder: B-but it's not even ready yet! We don't know if it's going to work! I--

She was starting to have a breakdown when she was startled by a hand on her shoulder

You: Powder

She stopped to look at you, her breathing still a bit ragged

You: I've seen you work on the wiring. It's nothing like you've ever done before

Powder: That's why I'm not sure it'll work! I don't even know where to start!

You: then we'll make it work. Together

You held your pinkie at the astonished Powder. How could you be so calm about this? You had a day and a half before the canal situation became a serious problem

The answer was easy, you trusted Powder

Powder: You're placing way too much trust into me, Y/N

You: With the way you've been losing sleep over it? I think it's about time you let it shine

Powder: I don't know, Y/N, I don't wanna let everyone down, especially you

She sighed as she looked away, but you gently made her look at you

You: You will never let me down. I've seen you get closer with every attempt. This is the one, I just know it

Powder saw you smile, and it was all over for her

She couldn't find it in herself to say no, so she better make this work

For you, for everyone counting on it

So the girl gulped, and reluctantly, she linked her pinkie with yours

Powder: Alright, fine, but we're gonna need some materials if we're going to make this work

You nodded with a smile

You: Lead the way, Blueberry


You wasted no time and got to work immediately

First, you showed Powder the area where the bomb would be placed at. She measured the amount of explosive material that would be needed for this to work

Then, she made a list of the things you needed and sent you off to look for them while she started working on the device with the parts she already had

Granted, Vi and Ekko volunteered to help you with it, but it was still difficult

You even had to go to Piltover to get some of it

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