Part III: Sparks

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Y/N's feet pounded on the floor, rushing to her brothers sobbing. Montgomery's followed close behind, but she could tell he was only jogging to keep up to her. "Kaiden! Im coming, ok?" Y/N cried.

She felt tears start to prick at her eyes. She didn't know if she could see another family member hurt again. I should have given him to Isabelle, I should've been there, oh god!

Suddenly, she felt a cold metal pair of arms wrap around her waist. "Hold on!" Montgomery called.

Y/N felt her face grow warm yet again. Her heart rate slowed, and she just felt like everything would be okay. 'What's happening?' Y/N thought, 'Why do I... feel like this...?'

Montgomery held her close to his chest, and she was shocked to feel it was warm compared to the rest of him. "Y/N!!"

Y/N could hear her brother was really close now. She turned away from the gator, meeting Kaiden's sobbing eyes and an upset Isabelle kneeling close beside him. Montgomery placed her down gently and she ran over to her brother, Grabbing his shoulders and examining his face. His mouth was dripping with blood.

"What happened?" Y/N turned to Isabelle, who looked like she herself was about to burst into tears. "We were in Roxanne Raceway and I just turned to quickly and he fell out and slammed his mouth into the side of the track and knocked his tooth out... Y/N I'm so sorry I- I didn't know that would happen, I- I..."

"Izzy it's ok, I know you wouldn't do anything like that on purpose and neither does Kaiden!"

Isabelle nodded, taking a moment before noticing the giant robotic reptile. "Uh... what's Montgomery doing here?"

Montgomery jumped at the question, opening his mouth to answer but no sound coming out.

"He came to have a break. We've been talking since I was in here too."

Swish swish. Y/N could hear Montgomery's massive tail swinging behind her. "Ok, what's that in your hand? Is that a tooth?" Y/N cried, turning her attention back to her sobbing brother.

Kaiden nodded. "Open up, let me see your gums," Y/N gently lifted her brothers bloody chin. She gasped when he opened his mouth. His gum was torn where the tooth was, and was bleeding profusely. Y/N felt herself beginning to panic again. Her heart rate began to race and she started to breath heavily. She felt a large metal hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, I can take it from here ," Montgomery's voice was so calming and warm. There was something about him that always seemed to soothe Y/N whenever she was panicking. She stood aside, allowing the huge gator to haul Kaiden into his arms and carry him down to
the bathrooms.

The child seemed to calm down once he was in Montgomery's arms, even snuggling his bloody face into the animatronics shoulder, and Y/N could occasionally hear Montgomery mumble calming words to the child. She smiled.

Montgomery placed Kaiden on the bench in the bathroom, carefully pulling a paper towel from the dispenser and holding it under a running tap. Y/N gasped, catching the alligators attention. He let out a quiet laugh. "Don't worry about me, all the joints are waterproof. Ya never know when a child might spill their soda on you."

Y/N giggled, making the gator smile. Turning his attention back to the now sniffling boy, carefully dabbing away the blood smudged on his face. Isabelle came up behind Y/N and put a hand on her shoulder. "I have to go, my breaks almost over and my manager is really strict... again I'm really sorry! Please tell me if he's ok!" Isabelle whispered.

Y/N nodded, giving her friend a huge squeeze before waving goodbye. Montgomery didn't even notice that she had left, instead he had a new paper towel in his hands and was holding it on Kaiden's gum. "Just bite down on that until tonight lil' guy, alright? Your sis will take good care of ya." The gator smiled, for a moment turning to Y/N and giving her a slight wink.

Robotic souls and mechanical hearts  (Montgomery x fem reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now