stan x reader part 2 !! (forbidden?)

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(Y/n) POV

oh my... stans still dating Wendy I can't date him..

I gave cartman a angry glare while stan gave a face that said "dude.. wtf" and a bit of "shut the fuck up cartman" I got up and walked away from the scene grabbing my backpack and heading to my locker then my next class

(Time skip to when ur at ur locker)

Ugh this is stupid.. stupid... stan stupid Wendy ruining everything... I said in my head putting the right books into my locker and putting books I don't need inside my locker

"Hey (Y/n).. sorry about lunch cartman dosnt know how to react towards a new people.." stan said apologizing for his 'big boned' friends words "its fine.." they said quietly while tears threatened to spill their eyes

Stan's POV

UGH STUPID CARTMAN COULDNT KEEP HIS FAT MOUTH CLOSED HE HURT THEM! "So.. u still want me to walk u home?" I said as the bell rang loudly in my ears and they slammed their locker "sure.." they said before walking away

I NEEDED TO RUN OH MY GOD IM GONNA BE LATE..! I thought before running to my class


I started walking towards the bathroom before I could open the door Wendy testaburger. grabbed me by the hair and threw me on the ground and leaned over me with bebe behind her watching "you stay away from my man (l/n).. " she said coldly In my ear sending shivers down my spine

"I.." before I could finish my sentence she kicked me making me move more back

"worthless he would never even want you" she said giggling with bebe walking off but before she got to far I got up and threw a punch at her throwing her forwards

Once I realized what I did I ran before she can turn around

I ran for the exit of the school "fuck using the bathroom" once I got out of the school I waited passing time on my phone on the side of the school it was last period anyway..


As the bell rang I walked near the entrance of the school trying to look as if I as well just got out of school

"Stan!" I said to the black haired male who was with his girlfriend.. Wendy who look at me angrily and stormed off "what's her deal?" I said to him "I.. broke up with her.." stan said looking down blushing as I looked confused "why's that?" I said looking at his light pink face

"Beacause.. I like this person who's caring and dosnt let people push them around.." he said as we started walking towards my house

That statement enough was enough to make me cry on the spot seeing that he likes someone else at the moment "g-go on.. they sound.. dreamy" I said trying no to seem sad

Stan looked at me concerned and continued "w-well they don't take shit from anyone and they have very interesting hobbies.." was this person that good? Good enough for him to keep rambling on about them..? Right then we got to my house "oh well tell me more about them.. tomorrow!" (Y/n) said getting there house keys. Once they opened the once locked door Stan said "its you.." y/n looked back to see the boy with he red poofball hat gone "well then" they chuckled "i know your here and I like you too! So.. it's a date Thursday 4 o clock sharp! Starks pond" they said going inside closing the door

Right was they did the boy with the red poofball hat came out of their bushes picking some leaves of bid jacket on the side and smiled brightly walking to his own home

// A/N

as always tysm for reading please consider voting and requesting it helps out a lot!

Goodbye my beloved reader !!

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