kevin mccormick x reader (coffee and confessions)

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Fem reader! (sorry)
Y/n's POV

Ugh.. kevin mccormick.. that little idiot he knows that I like him and teases me randomly, always hanging out with the one the only Shelly marsh

With that smug face he gives after leaving me blushing randomly for example-

I was in the library looking at some old year books I don't really go in the library.. I hate the quiet it kinda freaks me out.. anyway I was looking at a year book checking for my parents names or pictures when I saw a shadow lean in front of me and grab a book? Kinda touching my back/bum.."h-huh?" I say looking over me seeing.. I think you know who kevin. "Uh hi" I said trying to be polite "Hey y/n" he said with his accent that I loved so much smirking at me "w-well I could get whatever book u wanted or I can move out of the way you know.." I said keeping back a blush "well that would be any fun if we did that huh?" He said getting close to my face with a stupid smirk still on his face "I'd better be going" I said quickly going to the librarian lady who was rather young.. "what can I help you with sweetie?" She said in a sweet tone "just this please" I said looking away due to my red face I didn't actually need the book I just needed to keep kevin from seeing me blush.. "of course!" She said checking out the book on the laptop next to her "y/n?" "That's me" I responded "mhm" she hummed giving me the book "bye bye now!" Just as she said that I saw kevin talking to Shelly with her gigging and turning a light pink

(Real time)

He always did stuff like that it's his love life, not any of my business.. I thought going to my locker

Right as I was done, turning around I saw kevin? "Hi?" I said turning red I mean.. the boy was right in front of me- just as I said that he pinned me to my own locker "may I uh help u? Kevin?" I said he just put his head on my shoulder and his hands on my waist "I just- needed you.." he said making me turn even more red "well- we can hang out after classes? And we can go to ur house?" I asked "y-yea sure" he said with a studder as he let go I immediately missed his touch "wanna walk me to class?" I asked "sure" he said with a smile

"Well this is it" I said standing in front of the door "and you'd better run I said pointing to the clock "huh?.. oh.. OH OK SEE YA Y/N" he yelled running to his class I waved at him with a smile

During class all I could thing of was... him I knew about his home life and their struggles with money and such so it wasn't wasn't gonna be a surprise when I go to his house I mean.. I've been the before I came for my sister who hangs out with kenny mccormick Kevin's brother so...

As I kept writing notes all I could wait for was the bell then 1 more class. Staring at the clock I felt someone tap my shoulder "hm?" "For you.." a boy I've never seen before said when I opened it, it.. was a angry note probably from some girl who's obsessed with kevin.. I just crumpled it up and threw it in the trash when the bell gave a loud ring telling us that it was time to go to our lockers then next class I quickly got all my stuff from my locker and went to Kevin's knowing he would be there

Kevin's POV

"Sorry I like someone else.. I said to the girl as she ran away crying. I turned to see y/n "hey y/n" I said to her "so can i stay over the night my parents are uh not in town..?" She said I knew it was a excuse to sleepover which I was completely fine with "oh yea of course you can stay my parents won't care" I said "ok uh cool I'll meet up with u by the exit when school ends later mccormick!" She said walking away to her next class

Y/ns POV

My parents aren't out of town I just wanna sleep over at my crushes house.. of course! I felt bad for lying but it'll be worth it! Wait.. I DONT HAVE CLOTHES-

Time skip

Everyone was with their friends because the teacher wasn't here and probably not gonna show up

I sighed while making little paper hearts to pass the time knowing none of my friends are in the class i had a lot of friends! just not in this class.

the bell FINALLY gave a ring leaving me running to the entrance/ exit of the school waiting for a certain dirty blonde boy. Seeing his pink band aid i waved him over as i heard him say "ok talk to you later Shelly!" "hey mccormick" i greeted him with a smile "sup" he said

time skip to when yall at his house

"Hey mom" he said walking past her rolling his eyes "Hi Mrs carol" I said looking at her "oh hi y/n come in please" she said moving out the way on the entrance "I was just about to start dinner" she said in her accent "oh I'm not hungry" I lied knowing how poor they are "I'll still sit at the table with you all" I said politely as kevin glared at me seeing past my lie "err I'm gonna go with kevin see u Mrs. Mccormick" I said with a sweet smile

Right as we went inside Kevin's room I looked through my backpack for a pencil and remembered something "uh.. kevin?" "What's up y/n?" He responded "I don't have clothes.." I said looking at him as his cheeks started turning a light pink "y-you can borrow some of mine.. when we go to sleep" he said looking away from me "alright then" I said

"So what do u wanna do?" I questioned him "we can go get coffee? If u want to or go play with Karen" he said "let's go get some coffee" I said grabbing his hand and leading him to Tweaks coffee bro's

Once we got there I got (f/c) (fav coffee sorry I know it's usually used as fav color) and kevin was gonna get nothing but I told him i was paying and I don't mind so he got a black coffee

As we waited there was a jar of candy so I got one for kevin knowing he likes sweets once we sat down I gave it to him smiling he thanked me and grabbed it putting it in his mouth

When we got our coffee we went outside

"Hey kevin.." I said looking down "yea?" "Do you like Shelly..?" I said still looking down "W-what! No! I like someone else" he shouted "why? Are u jealous of her?" He said teasing me "what! Of course Not! I was just asking!" I shouted back "well since we're talking about crushes who do you like y/n?" He said getting closer to me "uh.. that's none of your concern kevin!" Said getting flustered "well it's actually you I like .." he said scratching the back of his neck wait.. MY CRUSH KEVIN MCCORMICK LIKED ME BACK? "You know what forget i said anything let's go y/n.." he said walking away before he could get to far I grabbed his arm when he turned to face me I kissed him obviously he kissed back dropping his coffee putting his hands on my waist as he slipped his tongue in my mouth I pulled away

"Well looks like I was your crush ay?" He said smirking "shut up" I said looking away grabbing his hand

Wait was there always have a piece of candy in my mouth?

// A/N

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1420 words <3
Bye bye my dear readers! <3

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