one-sided Kyle x reader (rumors)

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(y/n's POV)

Ugh what a waste of time... Kyle the jersey ginger jew he's so stuck up and thinks he's better then well.. everyone he's so annoying and his fat "friend" eric cartman isn't any better apparently he thinks ME (y/n) (l/n) THE BEST IN OUR CLASS, THE SMARTEST HERE AMONGST ALL THESE.. IDIOTS WOULD LIKE KYLE BROFLOVSKI SO NOT ONLY IS HE A FATASS BUT ALSO HAS NO BRAIN !

i dont have time for such simple people or tasks.. yet something feels different about broflovski maybe its the fact he wont just take my insults he'll say something back, he wont take my passive aggressive statements he'll say something back.. something makes me want to come to him everyday to say some insults just to hear his voice..

Today was the usual hanging out with stacine and neo but everyone was acting weird when I walked pass girls they whispered in eachothers ear and they glared at me like I had committed a crime then I saw the 4 boys everyone knew smirking all except stan who looked at me with pity in his eyes.. ugh someone started a rumor about me I just know it I glared at Kyle as he looked at me with a cocky grin as I made my way to my locker falling backwards due to a million fake pictures of me in a.. bikini? "What is this.." I thought out loud hearing everyone around me laugh

I felt tears start to from in my eyes from embarrassment and saddness.. I am better then this.. I won't take all of this.. my reputation..! All these thoughts in my head yelled at me even.. he was laughing.. I hate this.. I hate.. school, my classmates I hate.. Everyone!.. BUT MOST OF ALL I HATE.. HIM KYLE HE PLANNED THIS.. HE DID THIS.. HOW COULD I EVER FALL FOR SOMEONE AS FOOLISH AS HIM THIS IS SUCH A PITY I HATE ALL 4 OF THEM

I ran away as fast as I could I just needed to get out of there.. I went to the bathroom hiding under the sinks. This was the place me and my friends would go when we were upset or sad it was our secret no one would ever find us here it was our comfort spot. As I sobbed I heard the door open I immediately stopped not wanting whyone to see me like this when I heard the water turn on I covered my mouth and prayed they wouldn't find me when I heard the door close I took a deep breath I suppose I could skip this one time I wouldn't want to get harassed by anyone during class knowing damn well the teachers either don't care or dosnt pay attention enough for them to notice. I sighed out loud wiping my face for any tears and got out of under the sink putting water under my eyes to help them get back to my normal skin tone and sat under the sink again pulling out my phone to get my breathing under control

Time skip

It was lunch and I decided to eat in the bathroom I didn't have enough respect from others or myself to eat with stace or neo.. oh my.. what do they think about this whole situation..

Neo's POV (y/ns best friend)

"KYLE BROFLOVSKI YOUVE GONE TO FAR THIS TIME" stacine yelled across the cafeteria staring at Kyle with anger in her eyes as I tried to calm her down even though I too was frustrated about the whole thing "please Stace.. y/n wouldn't want this.."I whispered to her trying to pull her from walking to the 4 boys table "do u have any proof of me planning this whole thing? What your name.. stacey?" That's when she lost it she grabbed him by the collar

Stacine's pov

"listen here.. broflovski everyone knows about the post you hurt them and you know how they are.. "nothing but grades matter", 'I don't have time for this,' 'sarcastic..' you hurt there dignity for themself... you have a week to fix this.. and if you don't I'll do something 20x worse to you.. and the fatass trust me" just then I got grabbed by the arm by neo and dragged to our table then she whispered "I'm mad to but we're gonna give him that week and if he fails don't do the same thing as the other guy.." she said "right.. sorry neo.." I apologized

Back to the bathroom/ y/ns POV

I hate this place it's so nasty.. such a pity I'm eating here.. I thought when i heard footsteps I ran to under the sink hiding myself as I saw some.. nasty pink Converse? and some rain boots? oh its just.. them.. "where do you think she is.." I heard neo say "I don't think I know where she is.." stace said sitting on the sink "where?" Neo questioned "she's sad right now.. we should leave her alone before we talk to her she needs to compose her self because she dosnt want people seeing her in this state.." she explained "I guess what makes sense.." neo responded with that they left

When the bell rang I slowly walked towards the exit hiding behind a few things making sure no one saw me when behind me someone said "BOO" I jumped a little and saw.. Kyle? What could he want.. right now "haha got ya" he said laughing me "Sorry I don't have time to talk to anyone.." I said walking away "wait!" He said grabbing my arm i turned to see what he wanted "u wanna hang out this week? All week" he said "well uh.. sure?" I said "ok cool" he smiled walking away

Kyle's POV

"Well uh.. sure?" She replied as I gave a fake smile walking home with the guys "mh mhmm mmh mhm!" (So what did she say!) Kenny said words muffled from his parka "she said sure.." I responded "dude! You actually believe that stacine chick she won't do anything more then pinch you if u don't do it!" Cartman laughed at his own joke "no dude! she's spread rumors about some other guy and now barely anyone hangs out with him or knows him!" Stan said shivering thinking about the memory "whatever if Kyle's reputation goes down we all woudl go down with it for hanging out with him!" Cartman said as kenny and stan stared with shocked faces "oh man.." I said

"Well this is my place see you you the bus tomorrow.." I said walking towards my house "see ya dude" stan said his goodbyes "mph!" Kenny said "later jew!" Cartman teased

// A/N
TELL ME IF YALL WANTNA PART 2 ILL TRY AND MAKE.IT AFTER A KENNY ONESHOT ALSO TY TO THE PPL VIEWING THESE YALL DK HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME !! (I made this very late due to my time zone and I'll correct any spelling mistakes int he morning!

consider voting or leaving requests it helps a whole lot!!

1180 words <3

Bye bye my dear readers! <3

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