kenny x reader (family issues)

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Y/ns POV

"I'm so excited!!" Ok a little context my boyfriend- kenny finally let me go have dinner with his family or just meet them I've heard all about Karen! He has a brother who was dating my older sister.. "I'm sure you are.." kenny said with his words muffled and hands in his pockets walking right next to me "walking over some train tracks I see a green house "we're here.." he said with dullness in his voice opening the door Right when he walked in a little girl with brownish dirty blonde hair came running hugging his legs "Hi Karen!" He said hugger her "who's this?" She said looking towards me "this is.." kenny started "..a special friend" kenny said looking at me

With sorry in his eyes "Hi! Special friend!" She said waving to me "Hi Karen I've heard all about you.." I said annoyed by the comment kenny made "really?" She said "yup!" I said giving a half smile "Karen who's at the door?" I heard a voice with a accent say with me seeing a lady with a green shirt and red hair "did kenny bring another hooker home" she said with annoyance in her voice "Oh did he!" I heard a voice say coming towards us seeing .. kevin? My sisters boyfriend? "Oh hi kevin!" I said waving "mom! This is y/n my girlfriends sister" he said

Kenny just walked away with Karen making me more annoyed then I already was

Time skip

While waiting with kenny in his room I stared angrily at the posters of girls in Kenny's room "why are you staring at them like that.." Kenny said right before I could respond I heard yelling from his mother "I don't like them" I answered "he stared at me as if he was disgusted by my answer

I sighed walking away "where are you going?" He said "uh.. restroom.." I lied going to the restroom calling my sister "Hey whats up?" She said "come pick me up.." I said whispering into my phone "uh.. alright aren't you at the mccormicks?" She said "Yea."I replied "Ok I'll be there in a sec" "yea ok cool.." I said

I got up going to Kenny's room leaning on the door frame "hey.. why are you being such a asshole.." I said "I'm not.." he defended himself "whatever something came up with my sister I'm going home" I said about to walk away "what!? We haven't even had dinner! Or talked to my family except for Karen you can't just leave!" He shouted

I felt the house go quiet I didn't hear his parents anymore? "Well my sister needs me" I responded "oh my gosh.. go then bail on tonight" he said as I walked off with tears leaving my eyes

"Where are you going?" I hear a accent say I turn around to see kevin I wipe my tears and say "I'm going home Kenny's being a dick.." I said as kenny slammed open his door coming close to my face "SO IM BEING A DICK?" He yelled at me "YEA YOU ARE YOUR- YOUR CALLING ME A FRIEND, GIVING ATTITUDE, AND NOW YOUR YELLING AT ME!" I shlked outed back ".. get out..." she said glaring at me "that's that's I was doi-" i got cut off by kenny "get out of my house.. don't come back we're over.." he said pointing to the door as i was about to walk out I said "wow I knew this relationship would turn into your parents.. your just as bad as them.. kenny" I syaid as tears streamed down my face as I saw my sister waiting on the side walk I ran over yo her hugging her as I sobbed into her jacket "w-woah what's wrong.." she said

I felt kenny staring at us from his cracked window as we walked away with my sisters hand on my back leading me to our apartment with me sobbing

// A/N

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720 WORDS <33

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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