Chapter 7

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Grian pov 

"Bye, ren! Bye mumbo and iskall! I told them before going off the bus.

Ok cool schools over. Now I should go and see how pearl is doing.

After I put my backpack on the ground to Find my keys. I couldn't  find them. So I just tried to remember where I put them:

Heh ? Where are my keys !? Oh wait... I left them at home. 

Oh well, let's just hope my sister is awake.

"Ring" (Idk how a bell sounds like. Imagine a bell ringing here. Thanks.)

I heard shuffling at the other side of the door. I also heard pearl shout something, that sounded like: "oh come on go away!" 

"Pearl is that you?" I asked 

Suddenly the door swung open and pearl pulled me in to the house.

"Pearl what's going on ? Is something wrong?" I asked concerned 

"Well..." she answered, while running around the house.

I noticed that all the blinds are down. 

"PEARL WHATS GOING ON!?" I told her, not so nicely this time

"I don't know" she said and started crying 

"Oh... pearl..." 

I went to her and embraced her in a hug. 

"I am soooo sorry for screaming at you. But I am your big brother and I have to take care of you. Especially because mom and dad are almost never here." I apologized 

"I am sorry" pearl sniffled 

"What are you sorry about?" I said laughing slightly 

"Well.. because I kept a secret from you." She said 

"Want to tell me the secret now?" 

"I'd rather show you" 

Then she stood up.

Suddenly lavender wings appeared behind her. 

"Oh my... what happened?!" I said a little surprised

"Well i had this weird dream, we're I was in a dark, black and purple void. When suddenly someone in a mask and wings appeared! And in the last days of being sick I got wings. And know we are here!" She told me as if it was just some random every day story

"Wait what !?"

"Yea crazy I know"

"No no no. It's not that... it's just that I had the same dream. And now I have a stinging pain in the back." I said drifting off

"WAIT WHAT?! Oh god you are getting cursed as well!" A mildly panicked and worried pearl said 

".... Well I wouldn't call it a curse... I mean, YOU CAN FLY NOW! Isn't  that amazing ?!"

"Grian. We are watchers." She said in a monotone voice

I fell off the chair I sat down in the meantime

"WE ARE WHAT?!" I said in disbelief


"Wait you mean like the ones from the legends?" 

"Yes. We have to find out what magic we have, so we don't break anything accidentally." 

She's way to calm

„Sure where do we go?" I asked jokingly 

„You have mythology tomorrow just Ask the teacher?" pearl answered as if it was already obvious 

„ok, so I am just gonna-..." I started but pearl didn't let me finish 

„Don't make it obvious you are a watcher!" 

„I won't" 


My notes again! Who would have thought?

So anyways had to make this chapter just to explain pearl being a watcher and yea.

Grian has a watcher name (xelqua) so I wanted to give pearl one as well (probably Xerxa). Also sry for not uploading took me a while because I am writing about 5 exams in the next 1 and a half weeks ( or is it week ? Idk) also I will add to the watcher  magic 


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