Chapter I, Act I: The Herrscher's Rage

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"So, you finally decided to let out your anger?" questioned a mysterious voice.

Hajime opened her eyes to see a girl not much older than her. The girl had purple hair that cascaded down her back and golden eyes.

"Huh? Who are you?" Hajime's mind was at sixes and sevens.

"That is not important. What is vital, however, is that you've awakened at a time the humans were not expecting. They're weakened after the war with me. Use that opportunity to your advantage. They do say opportunity knocks once at a man's door, right?"

Hajime's eyes widen in shock on realising the identity of the girl.

"You.... You're the Herrscher of the Void!" she shouted.

"Try finishing the job, will you?" the girl said as she walked away.

Hajime woke up in a snowy tundra, a few kilometres away from the lab. She felt a powerful energy surge through her.

"I'm a herrscher now...."

The herrscher looked at the grey, desolate sky as snow ceaselessly fell, covering the area in a layer of frost. On looking to her left, she saw her boon companion, Sonia. She was alive despite the honkai cascade that took place in her body. She lay in the snow, seemingly unconscious.

Hajime took a closer look at Sonia. She had apparently been mutated; her appearance changed. She had the horns, wings and tail of a dragon. The horns were black, with the exception of the turquoise and hot pink on the tips. The wings followed the same trend. On the tip of her tail was a small, turquoise flame.

"I'm glad you're still alive, Sonia," Hajime said to herself, smiling softly.

However, Hajime's peace was short-lived. Out of the blue, a valkyrie squad surrounded her. They moved in to attack. This annoyed Hajime.

"These annoying little humans...."

In the twinkling of an eye, arcane black projectiles were thrust into the valkyries' flesh, killing them. The once white snow was stained with their blood. The sight of that very blood excited Hajime.

"Prepare for your extinction, humans. Your time has come!" Hajime yelled before cackling.

The herrscher started terrorising the local civilians. Hundreds of honkai beasts were summoned due to the herrscher's power. The humans scattered like fearful ants, each fleeing for safety.

The incoming valkyries of Schicksal put forth their best efforts but it was all an exercise in futility; the herrscher was too strong. Those who clung to hope started losing their grip. However, they need not have worried for help was forthcoming.

Hajime thought she had won. She was about to continue her rampage when she was stopped by an army of mechs.

"These insolent insects! Whatever, I'll wipe them out in an instant," the herrscher thought.

The honkai beasts the herrscher had summoned immediately started attacking the mechs. This did not deter them, though. Hajime summoned a huge projectile that annihilated the army in one shot. The area that was once covered with snow was now in flames.

"The herrscher is stronger than we first assumed. Good thing we have backup mechs," commented a certain blue haired scientist who was watching the herrscher from afar.

"Should I send them in, mophead?" Tesla asked.

"Her honkai energy reserves have lessened. Of course we should send them in," Einstein said.

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