Chapter I, Act II: Dawn of Unity.

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Timeskip of about 2-3 years...

Aeon stood at the balcony of his royal palace, overlooking the fertile lands of Iaphenium.

Today is the day now, isn't it? the young man thought to himself. He took a deep breath, relishing the gentle breeze that blew over his features. However, his peace was short-lived as he was smacked in the back of his head by a familiar figure.

"Ow! What was that for, Sir Halukah!?" Aeon gently massaged his head, his face contorting in pain.

"I hope you've memorized and internalized Hiro's will. Whatever you proposed during your little speech won't work here," the old man retorted harshly.

Aeon's expression hardened.

"I really do not want to disrespect you, but I think you and others of that school of thought are a bit close-minded," he responded in kind, giving Sir Halukah a glare.

"And what makes you think you know better? I have seen things you have never even imagined, boy," Sir Halukah returned Aeon's glare.

"But we can't continue living in constant fear of being enslaved! It's stunting our potential growth as a community! Instead of focusing on other things such as improving our technology, we're waging useless war against one another and killing each other in the name of some two gods! The will of Hiro has been distorted!" Aeon yelled.

Sir Halukah's eyebrows snapped together.

"You insolent child... Have you any idea what you have just done! The will isn't distorted! It's what Hiro the Great truly wants!" his jaw clenched.

"Hiro wanted peace for his people... and by extension Hajime's people. You are controlled by fear, Sir Halukah," Aeon's expression was solemn, his tone serious.

"Don't you DARE mention the name of that accursed being!" Sir Halukah harshly reprimanded.

The old man's husky voice echoed in the marble walls of the palace, followed by a deafening silence. The tension between the two was palpable as they exchanged glares.

Sir Halukah then huffed and turned around, heading back to the courtyard.

"You better not misbehave during your coronation, boy," he warned as he disappeared around a corner.

Aeon looked down at his hand.

It seems they've misunderstood you, progenitor...

You may seem outmatched by even your mentors, but I beg of you, my progeny... follow my will, no matter the cost.

Aeon clenched his fist with renewed resolution, his raiment flowing in the wind.

I will do anything it takes to fulfill your will, progenitor...

With that, Aeon walked inside the palace, heading to the venue of the much awaited ceremony.

"I'm ready, Sir Halukah," Aeon stood before the council of elders.

"Took you long enough. I hope you're in your right mind now, Aeon," one of the elders spoke with a serious tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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