Chapter I, Act I: Adversity

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"It's getting closer and closer to the time that my dream will be realised..." the queen thought as she looked at the azure sky. It had been 50 years since the okami had escaped their cruel creators. Their ruler and figure of worship, Hajime, had led them for all those years, guiding them and helping them develop. They served her without fault, obeying all her commands.

The queen stepped out onto a balcony of some sorts, her people looking up at her. They waited with bated breath for their ruler to speak.

"The time has come for us to take revenge on our creators. We must prepare and work sweat, tears and blood in order for us to exterminate them all. Finally, we will have our vengence!"

Hajime's words were received with loud shouts of praise and chants of retribution. The followers of the Decayed Saints (a religious organization spearheaded by Hajime) were raring to pay humanity back for their bad deeds. They obeyed Hajime's order to train even harder. Day and night, they worked to get stronger. Although their technology was rather primitive compared to that of humanity, their innate and heightened physical traits were more than enough to compensate.

However, in Iaphenium -a region that covers Central Europe- there was a group of okami who did not want war with humanity. They had found peace on Genesis and were content with that. The Decayed Saints tortured and discriminated the individuals who affiliated themselves with this rebellious group. Nevertheless, they continued to resist the herrscher's rule.

This annoyed Hajime who immediately ordered for anyone who is associated with the rebels to be put to death.

The group's numbers diminished and the rebels themselves were starting to lose hope. They looked to their leader, who started the rebellion in the first place.

"What shall we do, Sir Hiro? Our numbers are dwindling, and the Decayed Saints will not stop until every single one of us is dead," lamented one of the members.

"We'll hide for now. The Iaphenian Alps have enough forest cover to harbour us. Don't worry, we will rise again," Hiro reassured his distraught people.

And so they hid, avoiding the Decayed Saints altogether.

"What do you mean you haven't found them!? Go out and search for them again! If you come back empty-handed, I will not hesitate to kill you!" a furious Hajime threatened after another failed search attempt. This caused the soldiers of the Decayed Saints to search far and wide over Iaphenium. Eventually, they caught someone; someone significant.

"Finally found you, you irritating pest!" exclaimed one of the soldiers.

Hiro looked at the soldier that stood before him, his eyes not showing a single sign of fear. Almost instinctually, the soldier charged at him. He dodged the first swing and barely escapes, but he was clearly outmatched. The soldier grabbed him by the neck, pinning him onto the soft, green grass.

"How does it feel to be the pest of this race, a parasite hindering our progress! How does it feel!?" the soldier yelled in anger as he beat Hiro to a pulp. The punches kept on landing on Hiro's visage, strike after strike. He begged the soldier to let go of him but his pleas of mercy fell on deaf ears.

The soldier left Hiro on the brink of death, bleeding out of his chest from a stab wound. As he lay there dying, the young man lamented his weakness and the cruelty of fate. Why was fate so cold? Would hope still prevail among his people? A myriad of queries criss-crossed Hiro's mind like ashes thrown in the wind. He closed his eyes, finally accepting his demise. However, something far stranger happened.

Hiro awoke in a bright realm. It had nothing as far as the eye could see.

"Where am I? Is this Heaven? Am I dead?" Hiro looked around in bewilderment.

After a few seconds, a mysterious white haired man appeared in front of Hiro.

"It is not by chance that you are here. Fate has given us the opportunity to meet," the man said.

"What? Who are you?" Hiro's mind was at sixes and sevens. The man looked to be human, which confused the okami even more.

"My identity is of no importance to you. Your resilience and strength has awakened something inside you; something even gods cannot fathom. Be guided by goodwill and hope, and a comfort for your lamentations shall be found," the man said.

"I don't understand. May you explain?" Hiro asked.

The man simply tapped Hiro's forehead with his finger. In an instant, Hiro found himself back on Genesis, with his injuries completely healed. A strange energy pulsed in his chest.

Hiro was stunned. Did he evade death? Was all of this even real? The young man returned to his group of rogues. They did not recognise him.

"Who are you, stranger? You're not our leader. You look nothing like him!" they retorted every single time he tried to convince them.

"But I am your leader! I'm Hiro, the one who swore to bring new hope to this world! Why don't you believe me!?" he shouted in rage, his electric blue eyes glowing.

The members of the rebel group cowered in fear. Realising this, Hiro spoke to them softly, "I was nearly killed by a soldier of the Decayed Saints. For some reason, I woke up with my wounds fully healed."

This account from Hiro convinced the rebels as they had heard that the Decayed Saints had caught him. Hiro soon realised why his comrades did not recognise him; his hair and eye colour had changed. He had silvery-white hair instead of his usual grey, and his eyes had changed from a deep brown to an electric blue.

"Was this the power that human spoke of? I wonder what I have been blessed with..." the young man thought as he remembered the mysterious man.

Soon enough, Hiro realised that he could control time itself. With his newfound power, he led his people into a new age, an age of hope and peace. Hiro rekindled the rebels' once sour hopes. The rebels, now known as the Laniakea Resistance, fought for freedom against the Decayed Saints.

This triggered unrest within the Decayed Saints, halting Hajime's nearly complete plans. The herrscher was beyond livid at the fact that her own people were turning on her. She waged war on The Laniakea Resistance, hoping to destroy it and gain her followers back.

The war was long. Multitudes of soldiers fell in battle. Both sides incurred severe losses. Nevertheless, the two leaders were willing to go on. Despite the war scarring the once fertile land in Iotorath (Siberia), the two warring organizations carried on with ardour.

Eventually, the two leaders -along with their ambassadors- decided to resolve their issues through a meeting. The meeting was held in Kigen (Present-day Japan).

The two leaders agreed to resolve their conflict through a one on one battle between them. The loser would do the winner's bidding. The battle was to take place 3 months after the meeting, giving both of them time to prepare. A special realm was created by Hajime where the battle would be held. This was done in order to not cause destruction on Genesis.

"God damnit! Now I have to fight some nobody to win my people over. How did it come to this!?" Hajime asked herself as she sat on her throne. She pondered the origins of Hiro's strange power.

"How did someone like him become a herrscher? Moreover, he controls time itself. He will prove a formidable foe.."

"Whatever his powers are, I'll crush him and take my people back. That's all I need to do."

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