Chapter I, Act II: Successors

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"Catch me if you can, Dimitri!" a young boy crowed as he ran through the thick woods.

"I'm faster than a honkai cherub! I'll catch you in a second!" another boy, named Dimitri, proclaimed.

The two young boys ran faster through the forest, filled with joy and childlike wonder. Eventually, they stopped at a lake. It's waters were still and serene. The younger of the two boys- whose name was Aeon- marvelled at my the lake.

"The water looks so clean..." he uttered, his eyes sparkling in awe.

"Yeah! The village elders told me that Hiro the Great's soul rests here! Maybe that's why the water is so clear..." mentioned Dimitri.

Aeon looked at his brother and beamed from ear to ear.

"Does this mean that he could be here!?" he started muttering to himself ecstatically. If truth be told, Aeon was one of many admirers of the fallen hero.

"Aw, come on Aeon! Don't get so excited... Who knows? It could be a myth or some legend..." Dimitri chuckled.

"But what if it is true?" Aeon challenged Dimitri.

Dimitri simply laughed and patted his head. However, the smile on his face immediately disappeared. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated in fear.

Aeon wondered what his brother was looking at, and turned towards the lake again. There stood a white humanoid figure; at least, it looked humanoid. It looked more like an Okami than a human.

Aeon gazed at the strange being in wonder, while his brother stared with his eyes wide in horror.

Out of the blue, it spoke to Aeon.

"It is finally time for you, boy, to inherit what you were chosen for before you were even born," it's voice rumbled in Aeon's ears; it sounded like thunder.

"What? Who are you?" Aeon raised an eyebrow with a myriad of questions spinning in his mind. After a few seconds, his eyes twinkled with excitement.

"You're Hiro the Great, aren't you?"

The being ignored Aeon's comment and continued talking. At that point, Dimitri had already taken to his heels in utter fear.

"The ancestors have considered you worthy of his might. You will use this blessing to help your people, and the world at large." The being stated, then tapped Aeon's forehead.

Aeon felt a surge of power within him; it coursed like adrenaline through his veins. He then saw a vision of a white haired man holding a heavy claymore.

Hiro the Great...

Aeon found himself in the same place; near the lake. However, the strange power still flowed within his body.

He turned around only to find that Dimitri had fled. He then ran, wanting to tell his older brother about his encounter. He felt like the world around him and slowed down; like he was faster than before.

Aeon inevitably returned to his house. His mother welcomed him, but sensed something off with her son.

"What were you doing outside for all that time?" Aeon's mother asked.

"Well... I was admiring the Worthesëe Lake..." Aeon looked down, avoiding eye contact with his mother. He did not want to tell his mother what he had experienced. After all, how would he explain it? It was something of the supernatural.

Aeon's mother narrowed her eyes at her son.

"Aeon, tell me the truth," she urged, her tone firm.

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