Chapter I, Act I: Space and Time

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"Finally, freedom is in sight for us..." a certain young man thought as he looked out into the horizon. The sun slowly rose, lighting up the world and indicating the start of a new day. Hiro peacefully watched the sunrise, eagerly waiting for the battle ahead. At last, the day that would decide his (and his people's) freedom had dawned.

After a few more minutes of serenity, Hiro returned to his camp, took his weapons, and bid his comrades farewell. On the way to Kigen, he reminisced the good times he and his comrades had, fighting for their longed for freedom. He continued with his journey, joy enveloping him with every step he took.

On his arrival, Hajime greeted him.

"Hello, my former rival.." she muttered with a look of disgust on her face.

Hiro's cheerful smile faded as he replied, "Hello there..."

The two powerhouses glared at each other, the tension was so high that the guards around them trembled in fear.

"Let's get this over with." said Hajime as she transported Hiro to Thanatos (the realm set aside for the battle).

The two herrschers powered up, ready to fight.

"By the way, I have a question before we start, Hiro," Hajime's anger slightly dissipated.

"What is it?" Hiro asked.

"Why do you hold no hate for humans? You act as if they are kind and benevolent creators," Hajime inquired.

"I have a family, friends, and a peaceful life. Besides, they were not cruel. All they wanted to do was help us become strong," Hiro responded.

Hajime meditated Hiro's answer for a moment. She then burst out laughing, seemingly at his response.

"As I expected of you. After all, you had not seen the true colours of humanity," Hajime uttered, her expression becoming serious again.

This slightly enraged Hiro, who charged at his adversary. Hajime fired a dark projectile which Hiro easily dodged. Hiro attempted to strike Hajime with his claymore, but Hajime evaded the attack.

"I guess you'll never understand that the race you speak of is a wolf in sheep's clothing.." Hajime said to herself.

The two godlike beings exchanged blows. The fight was starting to bore Hajime; Hiro was much less of a threat than she expected.

"Are you really a herrscher? This display of power is pathetic!" she taunted with amusement etched on her countenance.

This infuriated Hiro. How could she? He had been training all this time and all she could do was taunt him? Not wanting to risk his chance of freedom, Hiro used more of his herrscher power, slowing down time here and there. He started to gain an edge in the battle, although the Core of Time was taking a toll on him.

Hajime sighed in absolute boredom. The herrscher simply put in a little more effort, and the tables turned in her favour once again.

Hiro decided to use all of his power despite the alarming repercussions. He had to win this at all costs. This one battle decided the peace and freedom that he had been fervently fighting for his whole life. He needed it. For his people, for peace, for himself!

While lost in his thoughts, Hajime pummeled him to the ground. She stabbed his abdomen with a void-like spear, then stepped on his chest.

"Do you give up now, Hiro?" Hajime asked, staring at Hiro's scarred face.

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