Chapter I, Act I: Freedom

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"Are you sure you won't die!?" Tesla crowed for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah,yeah. I've told you a gazillion times, I'll be fine, Dr. Tesla," the grey haired teenager said, chuckling a bit.

"Try your best not to arouse suspicion among the okami, alright?" Einstein implored.

"Understood, Dr. Einstein," S-B14 affirmed.

The okami then focused on the energy floating around. All of a sudden, she vanished into thin air.

"If she comes back with even a small cut, I'll make sure she never fights honkai again!" Tesla shouted.

The teen was baffled once she appeared on Genesis. The okami had advanced way faster than she had expected. S-B14 found herself in a crowded city, with multiple people walking in all sorts of directions. She was relieved to have carried a hood, reason being was that she stuck out like a sore thumb. She was bewildered seeing people with either black or white hair. It was... odd to say the least. She did not know where she ended up, so she asked a white haired man for directions.

"Oh? Well, you're in Iaphenium right now. The Queen's palace is in Kigen. Why are you asking?" the man curiously raised an eyebrow at S-B14.

"Uhh... I'm a new person in this area! I needed to find a way to get to the Queen!" S-B14 sheepishly responded, hoping the man would believe her excuse. However, the man gave her a stare, his eyes squinting in suspicion.

"That's... strange, but alright," the man responded after a long pause.

S-B14 thanked him and walked away, heaving a sigh of relief.

"So even the countries are different here. Jeez... This is going to be quite a mission," the teenager thought.

S-B14 looked at the forested mountains that towered over the town.

"I wonder what she's doing right now..."

S-B14 felt a hand on her shoulder, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Are you okay?"

The teen turned towards her interlocutor to see a concerned young man. She then scratched the back of her head and nervously said," Yeah, I am. Just kinda lost here."

"Oh, if that's the case, can I help you get settled?" the young man asked with a smile.

S-B14 was skeptical, but considering that she knew nothing about the area she was in, she reluctantly accepted.

They young man led her into the same mountains she gazed at. They then arrived at a camp of some sorts.

"Why'd you decide to help me, anyway?" S-B14 asked in confusion. It was strange of the young man to help a random person.

The young man simply turned to her, his cheerful smile fading.

"I know you aren't a usual citizen. Tell me, what are you here for?" the young man asked in a serious tone.

This caught S-B14 off guard. She stood rooted to the ground, trying to think of a reasonable excuse. She could not tell him of her mission; she does not even know whether he is affiliated with the herrscher or not.

The young man then spoke again, this time a bit calmer, " I won't immediately attack you. I just thought it was strange as you're clearly a foreigner here."

S-B14 eased up a bit. She decided to trust the young man with her secret as his body language showed complete honesty.

"I was sent here," S-B14 said. Her answer was short and vague, making the young man question her more.

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