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You didn't like school.

You much preferred swinging around the city at the dead of night with the wind running through your hair and webs shooting freely from your wrists.

But no, you were still a teenager and you had to attend school.

At least you had MJ, Gwen and Harry to chat to.

It was painful that you now knew that you couldn't tell your friend group about you being Spider-Man.

If it had gone wrong for all the Peters in the other realities, it wasn't exactly going to go right for you.

You sigh, missing your multiversal friends more than ever.

As you zone out, you end up staring at Gwen as you put your books in the locker.

She noticed you looking and gave you a quick smile.

You were very close friends now, maybe it was time to tell her.

But, like you already knew, Peter 2 and Peter 3's friends had turned against him. You couldn't risk that.

Still, Peter 1's didn't. There was still a slight chance.

You begin to walk over to your friend just as you felt a sensation crawl down your spine.

It was like the tingle that you'd got when you met the other Peters for the first time. Maybe it was because they were nearby..

You take a couple of steps backwards becoming aware that it wasn't you who was making you move. It was your spider senses.

You stumble across the hallway, almost tripping over your own feet.

"Y/n?" You hear Gwen ask, but you weren't listening. Not properly anyway.

You find yourself sprinting around the corridor and into the maintenance cupboard, your spider senses leading the way.

You slam the door and lock it behind you, not really processing what was happening.

And, as your senses predicted, a shiny orange spark lit up the dark room, revealing all the musty cleaning equipment that your school owned.

Your heart almost leapt out of your chest.

It must've been Ned working the magic, I mean who else would want you back?

You were sure Doctor Strange wasn't exactly fond of you.

Still, you find yourself shaking as the portal grew, revealing something you'd never would've expected.

More people than you could count stood in the portal, all wearing clothes in a range of colours that were clearly from the sanctum.

When you spotted the Doctor Strange from your universe and the Doctor Strange from Peter 1's universe, you knew it was something serious.

They must all be Doctor Stranges from different universes.

Your draw drops, processing the information.

Wow that was so cool!

"Y/n Y/l/n?" One of the Doctor Stranges asked.

You nod, knowing that if you opened your mouth a stream of awkward questions would fly out and you wanted to seem cool to all these people.

The Doctor at the front continued speaking.

"If you ever want to see your friends again, I strongly recommend you come with us. The safety of the multiverse is at stake."

A/n: This story is completely hypothetical and made up storyline so I hope you like it. It's the sequel to No Way Home basically.

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