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A sickening feeling crawled up from your stomach as you began to realise what must've happened to Peter 2.

Your mind flashes back to the time when you fought the Goblin and how Peter 2 sacrificed himself for Peter 1.

So that Peter 1 wouldn't go down the fateful path that they'd both gone down.

"Oh he's just gone to the toilet," Peter 1 says casually, making you feel relieved and a little bit stupid for letting yourself overthink.

"If there even is a toilet in this place." Peter 3 admits, still watching the people go in and out of the portals.

"What do you guys think we're here for?" You ask, looking to Peter 1.

Although Peter 1 was the youngest out of all of you, he was definitely the most sensible.

In fact, Peter 1 looked a little drained, almost broken. Maybe something had gone wrong in his universe after you'd left? Maybe his friends ditched him? Maybe he felt guilty leaving the universe? Maybe you should just ask him what's up.

"Wait, Peter," You say just as Peter was about to speak, "Are you okay? You just look...different."

Peter 1 nods, wiping his forehead.

"Yeah, well, not really." Peter 1 says, "Everyone's forgotten that I exist, even MJ and Ned don't know who I am."

When he saw your expression he decided to elaborate.

"So basically, after you'd left, I asked Doctor Strange to make the world forget that Peter Parker exists so all the villains wouldn't come to this universe." Peter 1 says, tears forming in his eyes, "That meant everyone. Now MJ and Ned don't even know I exsist, the only friends I have left are you guys."

"Oh," You say, looking to the ground. He had given up so much for the multiverse that you were both impressed and guilty that he'd done all of that.

"Ohhh that makes so much sense!" Peter 3 says, not quite grasping the melancholy that Peter 1 was feeling, "I wondered why Harry had forgotten who I was. I just thought it was his medication. In fact, the spell actually worked out pretty well for me."

The spell didn't matter to you since you weren't called Peter Parker and it wasn't like your friend group wanted to remember Peter dying so you just assume it was a good thing.

"Hey guys I'm ba- oh." Peter 2 slides back into the conversation. He seemed quite happy but noticing the look on Peter 1's face he calmed down.

"Oh hey man." Peter 3 says, offering his friend a fist bump but ending up hanging in the air like an idiot for a couple of seconds until Peter 2 bumped it.

Unlike Peter 1 and 2, Peter 3 was wearing a black formal suit which seemed pretty random but you didn't ask any questions.

You barely had time to welcome Peter 2 back when you heard a mysterious voice ripple across the Sanctum.

"Inter-dimensional travellers and masters of the mystic arts," The voice said, "If you could all walk into this portal, all will be explained."

"If we were in a film or something," You whisper as the four of you walk forward, "I would say that sounds like some kind of trap."

"Lighten up Y/n," Peter 2 taps your shoulders, "You only live once."

"Why are you in such a good mood?" You ask, swatting his arm away.

"Just am." He says, walking through the portal and making the other three of you follow.

You weren't dumb, you knew why he was happy.

It was because the Spider-Men had been reunited and even if there was some sort of multiversal catastrophe, it'd be worth it because you were all back together again.

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