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"I can't believe you talked me into this." Doctor Strange says, sitting at the front of the old symbiote rocket that you'd all managed to repair.

"It's not like many of us had much to live for anyway." You say, flipping a couple of switches as your vessel drifted around space.

The plan was simple.

The team was simple.

What could go wrong?

The answer to that question was everything.

You, Peter 1, Peter 2, Peter 3, Gwen, Sorcerer Ned, Doctor Strange, Wanda and Loki were all cramped on board the ship.

The only people who didn't come were MJ and normal Ned because Peter 2 didn't want them involved in this, especially since they'd never been to space before.

Peter 3 had tried to convince Gwen not to come but she was as stubborn as usual. Besides, you could do with a level headed person like her around here. Also, she usually laughed at your jokes no matter how bad they were which makes her a million times better in your head.

Peter 2 didn't really care nor did Peter 1. Except both of them were slightly worried they'd never see their MJs again only Peter 1 made it more obvious by crying a little as the ship left the planet.

Wanda and Loki seemed to already be aquatinted and were having an awkward conversation. Their two personalities clearly didn't fit together and you could tell that Wanda already despised the man (or god as he would say).

Doctor Strange was preoccupied with steering the ship and figuring out what all the symbiote designed buttons meant.

You, on the other hand, were quite happy staring out the window and watching as you quite literally shot past the stars.

Beautiful visuals of galaxies and nebulas lit up the darkness of space and brought light into your heart as you soured deeper and deeper into the universe.

The plan was quite obviously to find Geurok. In fact, it was a pretty solid plan for the most part.

However, what you were supposed to do when you saw Geurok was unconfirmed.

Some people wanted to completely batter her which you knew was hopeless.

The others, in other words the sane ones, wanted to coax the being into human form and try and dissuade her from her rage.

The rocket rattled on, the symbiote technology was rather advanced and particularly good for making the long journey a lot shorter than it could've been.

You sit and chat to Wanda so she didn't have to go through the pain of speaking to Loki any longer.

Soon, Gwen joined in with the conversation and you all had a lovely talk about life in general.

Gwen was actually funny when she wanted to be and you could see why Peter 3 was so madly in love with her.

Wanda, however, seemed to have major boy problems. Or robot problems at least.

"..and then it turned out I was enslaving these people with my subconscious.." Wanda continues telling her your story but you cut her off.

"Wait so if vision was a robot and was only made.. what.. three years ago? And you were like sixteen.. does that make you or him the pedophile?" You ask, a smirk growing on your face.

"Oh grow up Y/n." Gwen says, slapping your arm but smiling all the same.

Suddenly, the window was blocked out by a huge magenta planet slowly growing in size as your ship neared the surface.

"If my calculations were correct, we're here."

A/n: it's a bit random to tell you this but it's really cool how no one except me knows I write fanfic on wattpad and I've just realised that someone in my class could've read my story without knowing it's me and like idk it's weird.. 💀

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