Chapter One ~ Odd

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          You were never one to complain about starting your day being surrounded by the aromas of a cafe. Maybe that's why you searched for a barista job in the first place, to be in an atmosphere that you genuinely enjoyed. Whatever the reason, you were ever grateful for the fact that you worked at a cafe, even if it was no Starbucks. 

          You worked as a barista at a little coffee shop hidden in a side street of New York City - a cafe named Cool Beans. It was so small and hidden, one could go their whole life living in the city not knowing it existed. You almost did, after all. When you were in college, you found yourself cramming for deadlines or tests that you weren't particularly prepared for. To top it off, you owned the most cramped apartment known to man, one that caused your annoyance level to rise the second you stepped foot inside (college was rough, to say the least). Because of this, you set on a mission to search the city for a good coffee shop to work in that wouldn't have too many distractions. This caused you to find Cool Beans, a cafe that, after all the work passed, you began to work at. 

          Because of the small size and small popularity, you didn't get as good of a pay as you would have hoped. But, you've found yourself working there so often that it didn't appear to be a problem for you anymore. After all, you were lucky to say that you liked your job. 

          Thanks to its hidden location, you were always sure to meet the strangest people - though, you weren't one to judge, you ended up there as well. 

          Often, your customers were busy workers who didn't have time to find a brand shop - who simply needed good coffee nearby without too much hassle. Though, after the first visit, these people tend to become returning customers, frequenting the little cafe quite often. 

          One such customer would be the one walking in this morning. 

          You were setting up for your early morning shift when a soft ring of a bell on the entrance alerted you to a customer. The second you lifted your eyes, you were met with a person fumbling with all sorts of papers and documents. Disorganized men such as himself tended to be the rudest, however you couldn't particularly blame them. Busy work, busy life; you were always one to give rude customers the benefit of the doubt... that didn't mean you particularly enjoyed that they were rude. So, you dreaded this man, as you prayed he wouldn't have a sour attitude and set your mood for the rest of the day. The poor man looked bewildered, as well as tired. Your gaze didn't falter as he walked up to the counter, finally managing to put the stray papers back into his workbag. Then, what caught you off guard was that when he finally looked up at you, there was a genuine smile on his face. How odd...

          "Good morning, sir! What can I get you?" You asked him, a smile slipping onto your face simply because of his smile. Seeing how bewildered he seemed, you could assume that he was a hard-pressed man - majority of businessmen ordered straight black coffees. Your hands subconsciously began reaching for the coffee, anticipating his order. 

          "One medium chai latte, please," he requested, a hand fiddling with his workbook. You practically flinched at this response. The man wanted a chai latte? This caused a pull at your lips as you held back a small chuckle. Who was this man? It wasn't that it was a particularly strange order, no, not at all. It was just strange from him. He proved you wrong twice, despite knowing the norms and ordinarily true stereotypes of the little cafe you worked at. Compared to the amount of busy customers who looked and acted just like him, his order was oddly sweet. 

          "Of course! And what's your name for the order?" You asked him, now reaching for a cup and a sharpie. 

          "Oh," he paused, looking as though he hadn't been expecting that part of the order. "Otto will do." A smile tugged at your lips as you nodded and wrote his name onto the cup. Otto. Huh. Even his name is on the odd side. 

          Almost immediately, you got to work making his chai latte. You stepped away from the counter, now approaching your utilities. Though, your mind wasn't fully on making the chai latte - this wouldn't be a problem for you, anyways, as it practically became muscle memory making all of the drinks. You peeked at him from behind the counter and stacks of foam cups, watching him as he stepped a little bit aways from the counter. He didn't seem as though he was going to sit down, appearing jittery and on edge. Maybe he was just normally like that?

          While you made the drink, you took the time to observe this new customer. He had auburn colored hair that sat on top of his head, slightly messy and fluffy. He wore a red sweater, one that gave you strong professor vibes. Maybe he was some sort of teacher or college professor? You didn't get a chance to glance at what was on his papers, but they seemed like they had very advanced math scribbled messily all over in no particular order. So, he was some sort of messy, dorky professor. At least, that's what you assumed just by appearances. You wouldn't put it above him to shock you once more, this time with a career you wouldn't have guessed.

          It only took you a few minutes to make his latte, walking up to the counter to hand it over. "Here you are, sir," you handed him his order, giving him a classic custoner service smile. He took the drink and gave you a genuine smile, one that looked warm and kind. Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out what he owed, paying you for the drink. Receiving the money, you put it into the register and turned back to him before he left. "Thank you, have a nice day!" 

          "Yes, thank you," he told you with a smile, placing a generous amount of money into the tip jar present on the counter. Then, he gave you a curt nod, and took his leave. You watched him as he left the cafe, his pace picking up once he was finally outside of the shop. What an odd man...

          This chapter was rather short just so I could set up the story... I hope you enjoy! ~kat

Oddly Sweet ~ A Doctor Octavius x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now