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WORK. MAELYN-JAE HAD FORGOT ABOUT it whilst the struggles of her younger brother's lawsuit mingled in her brain, taking up all the space she needed to think straight. If her alarm hadn't reminded her of her annoying schedule that sunny morning then she would've slept through to midday. Not that she would've complained about it.

She was kept up at night by the ruckus on the streets surrounding her apartment building. Protesters shouted and cheered with homemade posters in hand at the girl's lonely home whilst she tried to block out the noise and get a decent nights sleep. In the end, she got a total of two hours, which was barely enough to write a good news story. 

The Mysterio supporters didn't stop when the clock hit midnight, or three in the morning, or five in the morning. They continued on until Maelyn slammed the door to her room shut behind her. But not before she took the time to notice what was on her door in the first place. 

As she went to leave her apartment, numerous sticky notes fluttered from the outside of her door onto the carpet of the hallway beneath her. Fluorescent orange, pink and green coloured squares of paper drifted away from the wooden entrance and exit, scribbles and lines of black marker and ink visible to Maelyn's frightened eyes. She didn't realise people had been hanging around her door whilst she was inside, trying to get a peaceful sleep. She didn't realise people were that desperate.

Curiously, the Parker girl slowly bent down and retrieved one of the notes from the small pile on the floor. She read it with a mix of emotions, worry being the greatest of them.

I found your number on my phone from school! Look at your contacts, I would love to catch up ;)
-Violet Featherston

An image of a bratty, stuck-up girl from Maelyn's elementary school who would relentlessly tease her for the notes her aunt left in her lunch box everyday appeared in her mind as she crumbled the piece of paper and threw it down the hall, watching it bounce helplessly across the patchy carpet. With one last look at the pile by her feet, she stepped away from her door and headed down the hall, persistent in leaving the building. She didn't know who could be watching her, but she knew it wasn't safe. She had to get out of there whilst she still could.

As soon as she stepped foot into the morning air, numerous people began to crowd around her. The march she saw outside her window late that previous night had mostly dispersed, but those few, annoying and nagging people that she'd grown to hate had still hung around. They knew she would have to leave at some point, and so they waited for their chance at confrontation, and this was their chance. Much to Maelyn's dismay.

"There she is!" The hopeless girl heard someone shout from across the road. She instantly whipped her head around to see an unfamiliar man in business attire pointing an accusing finger at her, the random civilians walking around stopping their everyday lives to get a look at the recently famous girl. She didn't know how to escape the situation enclosing her, until Happy Hogan pulled over with an open window and smug sunglasses covering the most of his features.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄; peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now