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AFTER THE ABRUPT ENDING OF the phone call with her brother, Maelyn continued on her journey towards the vandalised alley

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AFTER THE ABRUPT ENDING OF the phone call with her brother, Maelyn continued on her journey towards the vandalised alley. She was used to his odd behaviour so she let it slide like the other countless times she had, tucking her phone back into her pocket as she made her way down one of the many side paths of New York.

When she arrived at the described location, she took in the trashed area with a sigh. There was glass and plastic shattered across the bitumen road haphazardly, wooden crates piled up against the nearby building walls with empty bottles and scrunched up paper tossed inside of them. It was a mess that no one wanted to clean, even if it was their job, so they didn't. The laneway remained disgusting twenty-four seven. 

Cautiously, Maelyn shuffled around the piles of rubbish and shards of glass to get in a good enough position to take the photo. She wasn't directed to take it from any specific perspective, so she chose to stand in the cleanest area whilst she lifted the camera up to her eyes. She peered through the view-finder at the colourful artwork in front of her that was sure to be scrubbed away in the coming days. She hated how the government treated the murals in the alleyways of the bustling cities. They deserved to stay, otherwise it was all the artist's hard work and time for barely anything.

She was just about to take the fourth and final image of the piece on the wall when she felt a strong gust of wind coming from behind her. But it couldn't have been, behind her was a brick wall?

She instantly turned around, pulling the camera down from her face with concern. However, Maelyn didn't get a chance to see what was causing her hair to fly in her face, clouding her vision, because something knocked her to the ground. Except, she didn't hit the ground.

Before her body could collide with the jagged rocks and shards of glass beneath her, a strong hand reached out to hold her steady, gently gripping onto the pale skin of her upper arm. Their other hand dropped below the camera, the girl watching from under the curtains of her blonde hair as the device softly fell into their palm. She was amazed to say the least, but beyond confused.

Maelyn-Jae threw her head back to look up at her saviour, her long hair flying back before whipping against the back of her trench coat. She looked at them with wide eyes, ready to start interrogating them, but was taken aback by who she saw. She didn't expect her saviour to be wearing the all too familiar suit and mask.

"Hi." He spoke breathlessly, staring at the girl through the white patches on the red and blue mask. Maelyn furrowed her brows. That didn't sound like her brother's voice, nor did it really look like the same suit. However, he could've had upgrades to make his voice sound different and have done something with the outfit, so she brushed it off.

"Peter?" She questioned with confusion, tilting her head to the side when his eye patches widened.

"Yeah- wait, what? No. No." He stuttered as he let her arm drop to her side and backed away with a profusely shaking head.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄; peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now