a walk home:

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the school day finally ended. naruto took a deep breath, holding it before he finally released it.

"maybe he forgot?" he said out loud.

"who forgot?"

naruto jumped, turning his head and saw his teacher, kakashi sensei, looking at him weirdly. his one showing eye judging the blonde.

"s-sensei!" naruto's face shaded a darker red, "it's nothing really."

kakashi looked at him, and then he shrugged, "just make sure you get your assignment done. it was odd not hearing you talk to avoid it. oh- and this time, since you love to doodle, do you mind doing like a little comic piece?"

naruto's lips turned into an excited grin, "of course!" he raised his voice, "i would love to do that!"

kakashi nodded, beckoning him to go. the day was over, why was he still in his seat. kakashi just wanted to go home. naruto got up and waved 'goodbye' and took his leave. his feet taking him to the front of the school. for a split second he forgot why he was nervous before. why he was spaced out. that was until he saw the man himself who made his heart thump against his chest. who made his heart do tiny little flips every second. there sasuke was, his sleeves rolled up as he leaned against a tree, looking down at his phone. naruto stopped for a second, processing that they would have to speak to each other. he finally started walking, his light footsteps caught sasuke's attention.

sasuke had smiled, relieved that he showed.

"i thought maybe you forgot," he rubbed the back of his neck, "or stood me up." his eyes glancing away, nervously.

naruto looked at him with a shocked expression. THE sasuke uchiha was nervous, THE sasuke uchiha was blushing a tad bit on his pale face.

"what?!" naruto clamped a hand over his mouth from his loud response, "sorry..." he laughed a bit, "i couldn't forget. it has been on my mind all day."

"i've been on your mind all day?" sasuke teased.

naruto's tanned face grew a cherry red. it was very visible. sasuke smirked at the reaction, watching as naruto looked away. a hand over his chest, clutching his shirt that was right on top of his heart. he felt the speed it was going, it was pounding against the palm of his hand, he wanted it calm.

"that's not what i meant, and you know it." naruto pointed a finger at him, "i can walk by myself, you know?"

sasuke lifted his hands up briefly in a defensive pose, "alright alright, i surrender. let's walk home now. shall we be off?"

naruto nodded in agreement. he turned as sasuke got off the tree and stood next to him. naruto had his signature grin, sasuke had his signature deadpan expression.

they were parallels and anyone could see that.

"wait!" a female voice yelled at them.

they turned to see sakura running at them full speed, holding an object. naruto narrowed his eyes, trying to get a good look at what exactly she was holding.

"you don't want to forget this, naruto!" she hit the back of his head when he was in range, "don't you know that they'll throw it away if it's left over night. you did say this was your favorite!" she scolded.

naruto quickly snatched it out of her hands, hiding it behind his back. he shook his head, thankful she didn't get the chance to show sasuke what exactly naruto did.

"thank you sakura, you may go now." he smiled.

sakura smirked, her teal eyes giving a teasing look, "of course. don't mind me, enjoy your walk naruto!" she walked past him, "call me later and tell me everything!" she whispered and skipped away.

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