school project:

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"itachi, i'm home!" sasuke called out, letting naruto in as he locked the front door behind them.

both taking their shoes off, leaving it neatly by the door.

itachi came out from a little entry way that leads to the living room. he gave a gentle smile to the two boys.

"good afternoon sasuke, how was school?"

"good." was his short reply.

itachi looked to naruto, studying the blonde male. naruto shifted a bit, slightly going behind sasuke as to not be under itachi's stare. itachi raised his brows at his action, before finally letting it click that he made the poor boy uncomfortable.

he laughed briefly, "forgive my staring." he turned back to sasuke, his eyebrows relaxing as he wiggled them a bit, "is this the boy you're so fasc-"

"we have a project to do, it's due in a few days, please leave us be. thanks."

itachi coughed to cover up a laugh. he said no more and left the room. sasuke turned back around to look at naruto, he was looking around. his blue eyes filled with a sense of joy and wonder.

"come on, naruto." he grabbed the tanned hand, "we have a project to do. we don't want to make kakashi-sensei mad." he tugged naruto with him. "if we finish tonight, we can present tomorrow and be done with it."

naruto stumbled a bit, but said nothing. letting sasuke 'drag' him to wherever he was taking him. ignoring the lingering fiery touch sasuke was leaving. he wanted to intertwine their hands together, but composed himself. he had no clue if the uchiha felt the same towards him. and he was 'okay' with not knowing.

sasuke pushed opened a door, pulling naruto in. sasuke saw the briefest moment of naruto's eyes darting around. before landing back on sasuke. he gave a grin.

"is this your room?"

sasuke nodded, "i'll get another chair, just go ahead and take a seat at the desk."

naruto nodded and sat down on the chair. his eyes staying on sasuke as he left the room.

once sasuke closed the door, he covered his face. he felt naruto's eyes on him, felt his gaze. he shivered. he felt a sense of pride and embarrassment knowing naruto watched him. he liked it, but didn't say.

he walked down a few steps, going to the office room itachi uses when he has important papers due for his boss. he picked it up with ease, holding it as he closed the office door and began to walk back to his room. he stopped in the middle of the hallway, he turned his head to see itachi behind him, arms crossed and one finger tapping his bicep.

"is that my chair?"

sasuke smirked, "i believe it's our chair. i use it too. anyways, i need a place to sit, naruto is using mine."

"why didn't you ask?"

he shrugged and continued to walk, he heard faint laughter and a slight mumble that sounded something like, "why not share a chair? or sit on his lap?" his face was red, but he ignored it. not wanting to give itachi the satisfaction of a reaction.

he opened his door, his face going a darker shade. you could visibly see it red.

there naruto was, flat on his stomach on sasuke's bed. kicking his feet in the air as he was flipping through something. naruto perked up at the sound of the door, his hair swaying a bit. he blinked at sasuke, who blinked back. his blush going darker as naruto tilted his head, his hair cascading over his eyes a bit.

such an innocent look.

"i didn't know you smiled." naruto said, showing him the picture he was looking at. sasuke was a baby in that, crawling to itachi as he gave a one-tooth smile. "well, then again, i didn't know there were pictures of you."

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