friday hangout:

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friday after noon, naruto was just packing his things and heading to their special tree. there he saw sasuke already leaning against the bark, looking up at the leaves slightly blowing in the wind.

naruto stopped for a bit, smiling gently at the sight. sasuke looked peaceful, calm, looked like he was in a trance of some sort. naruto bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes looking at him up and down. glancing at everything about him. he finally began to walk again, his feet softly hitting the ground, sasuke hadn't realized naruto was walking towards him until he was right in front of him. this caused sasuke to tilt his head directly in front of him, looking directly into naruto's eyes.

"you ready?" sasuke gently smiled, "i felt like i was waiting for ages."

naruto pursed his lips, blinking rapidly at him. he was giving such a dumb expression, his face practically saying. 'it's not my fault you get here so fast.'

they began their content walk. the atmosphere was comfortable, the only sound was the slight breeze passing through their ears. their steps were also silent. their bodies were close.

a little too close.

the back of their hands brushed, and continued to do so with every step. not a word was said about it, not a repulsive act was made. they didn't step away, they didn't pull their hands back. but what they did do was continue to have it like that. they never fully held hands, never fully intertwined their fingers together.

because they had no idea.

no idea of how the other felt.

"hey, naruto..." sasuke broke the silence. naruto hummed in response, looking straight ahead. sasuke looked at their hands, feeling the smoothness of naruto's tanned hand touching to his pale hand. he quickly looked away before he could intertwine their fingers. "i was wondering if we go to your apartment this time."

naruto looked at him, his eyes a bit wide in confusion.

"why would you want that? wouldn't you much rather go to your place."

sasuke shrugged, "i was hoping to see what it's like at your place. if you're not comfortable with me going, you are welcome to say no and we can go to my house instead. i was just hoping for something a bit... different?"

"hm, alright. but if you see a mess, my fox did it."

"you have a fox?"

"no." naruto smiled widely, "i wish though. that would be cool."

sasuke's mouth twitched into a smile. he was amused at naruto's excuse of not cleaning. it was a change of pace for him. he liked being around naruto, he liked to feel the happiness radiate off of naruto, he liked to feel the energy that pulls him in.

naruto had him wrapped around his fingers, and he didn't mind. not a single bit.

they arrived in front of the building, naruto had stopped and looked up at where his apartment window was. from there you could see how dirty it was, how he needed to clean it. how he needed to basically deep clean everything, he was never home enough to even think about keeping it tidy. besides, he was a naturally messy person.

"naruto?" sasuke questioned, scratching his cheek as the blonde did not respond, "uzumaki? hello?" he waved his hand in front of naruto's face.

naruto flinched a bit, shaking his head as he looked at sasuke. he could see wrinkles on sasuke's forehead, worry and confusion written all in his dark eyes.

"did i space out? sorry, i didn't mean to."

"that's alright, no need to apologize. i was just getting worried that you were only coming here for my sake. we can always go to my place."

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