date night:

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sasuke told naruto to not dress up. he knew naruto wasn't the type to be over the top fancy and a first date at a classy restaurant? not his cup of tea.

naruto was in front of his mirror, putting a white button up shirt to his chest, then moving his arms as a regular old orange t-shirt. he pursed his lips, going back and forth between the two shirts. he wanted to match his black pants. he wanted to know which looked better. should he go with his usual look? or switch it up?

"damn it! why is it so hard?"

he picked up his phone, calling a number. he put the clothes down and patiently walked back and forth in his small apartment bedroom as he waited for the person he called to answer. and when he heard the click on the other end, indicating that the phone was answered.

"hello?" a female voice answered, but it wasn't sakura.

"ino?" naruto asked. he heard her hum a yes. "uh, i hope i didn't interrupt anything. do you mind if i face time you guys? i'm having a major wardrobe crisis." jesus, i sound like a girl.

"of course!" she giggled. "happy to help!"

naruto took the phone away from his face and clicked the facetime button. ino answered it, in the background he saw sakura putting on a shirt. he blushed and turned his face away.

"you could've waited until you both were decent!" he shouted at them.

he heard sakura's laugh, "chill out, you only saw my back. and i'm wearing a bra. besides, we have somewhere to be, we wouldn't have been doing much anyways."

somewhere to be? naruto shrugged, i'll worry about that later.

"still!" he finally looked back at the camera. he saw that the two girls were super closed to the phone. faces smushed together, their faces taking up the entire phone screen.

"so?" they wiggled their eyebrows, "what's up?" they asked.

he set his phone down on his desk. propping it up and walking back to the two shirts.

"which should i go with?" he asked, looking back at the camera.

they looked intently. they glanced at each other, humming. they put him on mute as they talked about everything. finding a solution to the shirt he was going to be wearing. they looked at each other, their mouths coming to a halt. they nodded to each other, turning and unmuting the phone.

"orange." ino said.

"i guarantee sasuke will be wearing his usual purple color."

naruto smiled brightly, thanking them and they hung up. he wanted them to have their alone time, after all, when they pulled apart to talk he noticed markings on their necks. he stuck his tongue out in disgust, he did not want to imagine his best friend and her girlfriend.

he hummed and put the orange shirt on. he smoothed it down, getting gel to flatten his hair a bit. he smiled when his hair was down, but then his efforts went to waste. his hair sprung up to his usual spiky hair.

"welp, guess it stays like this." he shrugged, putting on black converse.

he heard a knock. he straightened, a big smile on his face, his heart beating rapidly. he ran to his door, taking a deep breath and calmly opening the door. there sasuke stood, hands behind his back. a small blush on his face as they were practically wearing the same outfit. the only difference was sasuke's shirt was a dark purple that really made his pale skin stand out. naruto blushed as well. he locked his apartment door, maintaining eye contact with sasuke.

they had a lot in common.

it seemed they were no longer parallels.

sasuke brought his hands out, naruto looked into sasuke's palms. there in his soft looking hands, he saw a fox necklace. what was weird about it though, it had nine tails on it.

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