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sasuke was freaking out. 

naruto and his lives began to settle and calm, their different path's merged back together. they never broke up, no, they couldn't. sasuke was just touring the world for awhile as naurto stayed back to finish out his art career and now he's a well known artist. 

and finally, sasuke returned home to see naruto patiently waiting for him in their living room, a genuine smile on the blond's face. naruto was up quickly and he jumped into sasuke's arms. they held onto each other for a very long time, smiling until it hurt their faces, and even then, they continued to smile.

"i missed you dearly, my art." sasuke said, kissing naruto's temple.

"i missed you more, my music." naruto grinned, kissing sasuke's lips.

so, here they were now. in separate rooms as they changed into black suit's. in just less than an hour it would be their wedding and sasuke felt like he was on fire from his nerves.

"calm down, sasuke." sugietsu said, "i'm sure he won't yell 'hell no!' and run out the alter and leave you."

sasuke glared at that, "i wasn't thinking about that, but now i am!" he seethed through his clenched teeth.

sugietsu sweat dropped, nervously chuckling and apologizing for putting that thought into sasuke's mind.

"on a serious note, why are you nervous?"

sasuke blinked, why was he nervous? why was he freaking out? he had no reason to freak out, naruto loved him and he loved naruto. so there really wasn't any reason, not after everything they've been through.

sasuke sighed, smoothing out his hair with his palm. he had it gelled down for this special occasion, but it was worthless as his duckbutt hair sprung right back up.

"what if he realizes that i'm not what he thinks. once we are married and spend practically every waking moment together, then he'll see that maybe it wasn't worth being with me. he's just so... so... he's just like the sun. so radiant and bright, there's never a cold moment with him and i'm afraid he'll realize i'm not the moon that needs the sun to be there in order to go up. maybe he'll see that i'm this void of darkness that wraps around the sun just to be near it, the sun doesn't need darkness like it needs the moon."

"sasuke," sugeitsu squeezed his shoulder, "then be the galaxy that keeps the sun in place. be the darkness that allows the sun to shine but will always be there if needed. be the galaxy and stay near the sun and have its light reach you."

sasuke stared at his friend, grimacing at the words. it was kinda helpful and it did ease the male, but there was no way in hell he was going to admit it to someone like him. to someone obsessed with water and sharks... and the occasional sharp sword or sharp objects. someone like that gets way too cocky when given a compliment, so, sasuke thought it would be best to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"what if naruto realizes he's in love with sakura or something."

sugeitsu blinked rapidly at that comment. he was trying to wrap his head around what the -no longer- dark and broody male said. then, he laughed, it was quiet at first before it got louder and more teasing. then his laugh turned into a cackle.

"sasuke," he wiped a tear, smoothing down sasuke's suit and beginning to shove him out the door. "she's lesbian and he's gay. they are strictly platonic. now let's get to the alter before naruto."

sasuke said nothing, his heart beating rapidly out of his chest. there was already an audience, sitting wherever as they both knew the same people. sugeitsu was at the alter behind itachi who was sasuke's best man.

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