17 year old Amara Argent moves to Beacon Hills, with her twin sister Allison, only to find the world of the supernatural awaiting at her feet. Realizing she may be closer to the supernatural than she thought with a family full of hunters and unexpla...
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Amara walked into Allison's room and saw a shirtless Scott making out with Allison and trying to take her shirt off. "OH!OH! GROSS. God Scott put a shirt on," the younger twin whisper yelled in disgust. "Oh my god!" Allison giggled as Scott fell off the bed and she sat up. "Amara, What are you doing in here?" Allison questioned fixing her shirt. "I came in to warn you that Aunt Kate was coming, I didn't want to be flashed by your boyfriend," Amara whispered. She heard a knock on the door, "Allison?" Kate asked from behind the door. "Coming!" Allison yelled pushing Scott into the closet and pulling her hair into a loose ponytail before opening the door and going back to her open computer. Amara sat down on the bed and watched Allison's screen. "What you up to?" Kate asked Allison. "Just sending some emails," Allison lied. "To the boyfriend?" Kate asked suggestively giving Allie a small grin. Amara heard a noise from the closet and tried not to laugh, the shirtless boy looked scared out of his mind. She gave him a thumbs up and an amused smile before turning back to Kate and Allison who were in the midst of a conversation not paying Amara or the closet any attention. "But he's awful and I hate him," Amara heard Allison answer Kate. She could only assume who she was talking about. "Now you're starting to sound like every normal teenager and Amara," Kate told her with a small laugh and Amara gave her an offended look that she ignored, "What are you working on?" "A project on our family," Allison said glancing at Amara as she got up to stand behind her sister's chair. "Specifically your family?" "Yeah, Why? You got anything?" Allison asked looking back and forth between Kate and the screen. Amara raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Kate leaned over her and typed something in the search engine while talking. "In 1776, Providence," She started explaining she pulled up a website that had what looked like a huge wolf on it. Amara leaned forward trying to get a good look at the creature. "It looks like-" Allison started to say. "A big wolf," Amada finished looking at the creature. "Look into it," Aunt Kate informed them. The twins nodded and she smiled then left the room. Amanda spent the entire night trying to sleep but that creature was haunting her. She couldn't get it out of my head. She wasn't the biggest fan of wolves in general but that thing was something else and apart of her was scared of the truth. When she finally got to sleep she fell into a nightmare. Naturally.