Chp.16 Begin Again

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     I was half asleep in one of the waiting room chairs when I heard people talking

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I was half asleep in one of the waiting room chairs when I heard people talking.
"She's been here all night?" I heard someone ask.
"She's been here all weekend," Melissa McCall responded. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I shot up going to punch the person when my arm was caught by a shocked Stiles.
"Stiles! What the hell are you doing?" I exclaimed.
"Waking your ass up!" He explained letting me take my hand back since he knew I could kick his ass. I sat up aware of Melissa's quiet laugh as she watched us. He helped me up and we walked over to the vending machine, I checked my phone while Stiles tried to work the vending machine.
Mara: Did you guys get caught? I texted Allison who quickly replied.
Allie: Almost and mom practically searched everywhere lol
Allie: she left your dress for the funeral in your room btw. Wouldn't be shocked if she searched your room too

Mara: Oh noooo hopefully she won't find my super secret stash of weed lmao
I replied sarcasticly. Lydia had been up and moving for a couple days and I got out of the hospital around a week ago. I had tried to visit as much as possible and had been at the hospital since Friday night when I brought her movies and Ice cream, she had been healing okay although I could tell whenever she tried to pretend it didn't hurt. On the other hand despite my dad almost killing Scott him and Allison remained together just secretly. My mom had grown extra suspicious of us both which was all around great since Allison actually had something to hide. I was shaken from my thoughts at the sound of the vending machine falling and I sighed in disappointment at my dumbass best friend.
"Did you need help?" I asked regretting letting him come over here. I was about to make fun of him further when a scream rang out through the hospital. Stiles and I made eye contact,
"Lydia." I took off towards her room, Stiles close behind me.
"What the hell was that?" Asked Melissa McCall as we ran towards the room.
"Lydia? Lyds!" I called out, panic filling my veins and my heart racing, I wouldn't let her get hurt again. Stiles, Ms.McCall, Lydia's dad and I entered her room and then the bathroom to find an empty bathroom and the window wide open.
"Shit," I said under my breath as Stilss realized the same thing I did. Lydia was outside, on a full moon, with hunter and was most likely a new werewolf. Allison had texted back asking how Lydia was, I didn't have time to anwser before the police came. Sheriff Stillinski mostly talked with Lydia's dad and Ms.McCall. I overheard them talking as they walked back into the waiting room where I was pacing next to a concerned Stiles.
"Alright let's get an APB out for a 16 year old redhead," Sherriff Stillinski told one of the officers and walked towards them, "Any other descriptors?"
"5'3, green eyes, fair skin and her hair is actually strawberry blonde not red," I cut in and both of them looked at me like I was crazy.
"Is that right?" Asked Sheriff Stillinski and I nodded noticing their looks.
"What? I'm her best friend," I defended myself catching Stiles chuckle.
Sheriff Stillinski glanced at his laughing son and me then pulled us both aside.
"What are you two still doing here?" He asked us.
"Um, providing moral support..." Stiles tried awkwardly and I sighed. Sheriff Stillinski turned to his son,
"How about you provide your asses back home where they should be," He suggested, "Amara, I'm sure your parents are worried."
"No they're to busy dealing with Allison and Scott," I explained and sighed in disappointment.
"Yeah, Yeah. Okay we're going," I assured him pulling Stiles away with me, sending Melissa and him a smile on the way out. We walked outside with Lydia's night gown heading for the jeep, that Scott was already in.
"This is the one she was just wearing?" Scott questioned Stiles and I leaned forward.
"No it's hers from a week ago," Stiles responded sarcasticly, "Yes Scott, It is." Scott looked back at me with an expression that almost looked like an apology, what for I had no clue.
"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her, not again," Scott promised me and I nodded with a small smile.
"I know, we're all trying our best," I told him and smiled at me.
"Alright now shove the thing in your face and let's find her," Stiles hurried us along starting the jeep impatiently. He was about to start driving when he let out a yelp and my sister gave him a look of annoyance before walking over to Scott's window.
"What are you doing here? Someone could see us, or you could get hurt," Scott told her worry lacing his tone.
"I don't care, she's my best friend and we need to find her before they do," Allison responded and I smiled at her.
"She's right, Scott," I added.
"I can find her before the cops can," Scott reassured us.
"How about before our dad?"
"Wait your dad knows?" Stiles demanded.
"Yep. I just saw him and three other guys leave our house in two Suvs," Al explained.
"Search Party," Scott figured.
"It's more like a hunting party," I corrected not letting any trace of fear enter my voice, just anger.
"Get in," Scott told her. Allison slid into the backseat beside me and I gave my twin a side hug while Stiles pulled out of the parking lot.
"Alright, if she's turning will they actually kill her?" Questioned Stiles.
"We don't know, they won't tell us anything," I answered.
"All they say is we'll talk about everything after Kate's funeral, when the others get here," Allison continued the explanation.
"I would assume not, she's sixteen and hasn't killed anyone like Scott, but no clue," I told the group.
"What others?" Stiles asked.
"We don't know they won't tell us that either," Allie answered.
"Okay, your family has got some serious communication issues to work on," Stiles commented.
"Tell me about," Allison and I said at the same time earning a "what in the twin mind games?" look from Stiles and Allison just shrugged.
"Scott are we going the right way?" Stiles yelled over to the brown eyed boy who stuck his head out the window.
"Take the Next Right!" Scott instructed after sniffing.

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