Chp.3 Jackson's being an ass suprise

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          Amara woke up gasping and sweating, Another Nightmare. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down.
It's not real, she's fine. She thought to herself. She opened her eyes when she heard banging on my door.
"Amara? Are you up!?" Allison shouted from the other side of the door. Amara sighed in relief and yelled back,
"Yes!" She stood up and got ready for the day.

    Amara followed Lydia and Allison to Scott and Stiles's table. Stiles looked at them in shock as Allison, Lydia, Danny and Amara sat down. Jackson walked over and nudged the guy who was sitting beside Lydia.
"Get up!" He ordered. Amara rolled her eyes, she was not in the mood to deal with his attitude today and Amara could tell Allison wasn't either but she just smiled at Scott.
"What? How come Danny never has to get up?" The guy whined standing up.
"Cause I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot," Danny remarked in response. Amara chuckled Danny was one of Lydia and Jackson's "friends" she could actually stand. Stiles just looked at Danny and Amara awkwardly.
"So I heard there was some kinda animal attack," Danny started. "Probably a cougar."
"I heard Mountain Lion," Jackson added. Amara  tried not to look at him like he was an idiot although she failed. Lydia said what she was thinking. Looking up from her tray Lydia corrected in full confidence,
"A Cougar is a Mountain Lion," When Jackson looked at her confused she went back to playing dumb.
"Isn't it?" She amended, but Jackson seemed annoyed with her now.
"Who cares? The guys probably some homeless nutjob who's gonna die anyways," Jackson said and Amara looked at him annoyed.
"So he still doesn't deserve to die," She challenged Jackson finally speaking, "And I care about the difference because obviously Lydia's the smart one in your relationship." Allison looked at her with pride and Lydia smiled at her when they made eye contact.
    "I just found out who it is," Stiles said from beside Amara,  "Check it out." Jackson glared at Amara but she rolled my eyes and looked at Stiles's phone. The victim survived and his name was Garrison Meyers who was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Scott looked visibly relieved when it was said he was alive and when the video ended he said that he knew that guy, turns out he was Scott's old bus driver.
"Can we talk about something more fun please? Like Oh where we going tomorrow night?" Lydia asked with newfound interest looking over at Allison who looked at her in shock. Amara hid a smile of amusement at Allison's face looking at Danny for help. It was obvious that Allison had meant for tomorrow night to be a one on one date night with Scott but neither of them would say anything to help themselves.
"You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night. Right?" Lydia asked when she noticed Allison's confusion.
"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do," Allison replied awkwardly. Stiles looked at the pair with shock and disappointment.
"Well I'm not sitting at home watching Lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out we are doing something fun," Lydia said referring to her, Scott, Allison and Jackson.
"Hanging out? Like the four of us?" Scott asked and Stiles's disappointment in his friend seemed to increase but he didn't say anything. Amara was more slightly amused at everyone's confusion. Scott turned to Allison "Do you want to hangout like us and them?"
"Yeah I guess I mean it sounds fun," She agreed looking over at Jackson and Lydia.
   " You know what else sounds fun stabbing myself in the face with this fork," Jackson told her rudely and Amara tried to bite back a rude response when Allison shot her a look of warning. Stiles looked as annoyed as Amara felt and Lydia tried to convince Jackson by suggesting bowling. He pushed her away "Yeah with actual competition." Amara looked at him in annoyance, Allison was great at bowling.

    "How do you know we're not actual competition?"Allison asked and Amara could tell she was taking it as a challenge to kick their asses. "You can bowl, right?" She asked Scott who looked super uncomfortable with this conversation.
"Sort of."
"Is it sort of or yes?" Jackson asked and Amara wanted to slap him so badly just by the tone of his voice.
"Yes, in fact I'm a great bowler," Scott responded and Stiles looked at him like he was the biggest idiot ever. Amara turned towards Stiles
"You wanna hangout?" She asked Stiles and he looked at her confused, " I've noticed that Scott is your only friend, So do you wanna hangout?" Amara asked again.
  He nodded,  "Not like a date, right? Cause no offense but I don't really see you like that," He rambled, Amara snorted at his awkwardness.
" Definitely not a date. I'm a raging lesbian, I'd rather date Lydia," Amara answered him with a light laugh. He sighed in relief visibly relaxing. Lydia glanced at Amara when she said that smiling to herself which caused Jackson to glare at them both as they all got up to leave the table.

    After School, Amara went over to Stiles's house turns out his dad is the Sheriff and he is a total geek.
       "So do you wanna watch a movie? I'm watching the Spiderman movies right now," He offered awkwardly and Amara laughed.
"Sure. Who's your favorite Spiderman?" She asked as they headed up to his room.
"Tobey. I like the original but I like Andrew's love story better." He said. "Yours?"
"Tom's I like how he can play both so well, but Gwen is definitely the best love interest." Amara responded and he nodded.
"Favorite Avenger?"

"Scarlet Witch. Favorite Villan?"

"Hela." He replied as we sat down he sat on the bed I sat down on the floor. She laughed before responding
"Your type Powerful woman then?" Amara asked jokingly. He threw a pillow at the auburn haired girl.
"Shut up and watch the movie, Argent." She laughed and turned to the screen. They ended up watching up to "Homecoming" and eating pizza for dinner at one point his dad joined them and they started trying to help with his case and failing miserably. Noah had fully accepted Amara as his favorite of Stiles's minimal friends by the end of the night.

When she got home both of her parents were home but Allison wasn't yet.
"Did you have fun?" Her dad asked as she sat down at the table.
"Yeah we watched movies and ate pizza," Amara responded, my dad nodded.
"And he's just a friend, right?"
  She laughed, "Yes, I still like girls dad."
He laughed a little and put his hands up in surrender "Alright, Alright. Just making sure that your being safe." He said.
"At least I didn't stay out passed curfew," Amara responded.
"Yeah, I'm starting to realize your not the one I should be worried about," He said smiling lightly. Some of the stress leaving his face.  Amara walked over to the window and saw Allison and Scott making out on the porch she giggled when her sister walked in the door.
"Have fun?" Amara asked her. She smiled the smile that was usually associated with Scott McCall.
"Night Dad," they called walking up the stairs.

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