17 year old Amara Argent moves to Beacon Hills, with her twin sister Allison, only to find the world of the supernatural awaiting at her feet. Realizing she may be closer to the supernatural than she thought with a family full of hunters and unexpla...
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I turned around and Peter smirked at me, "Hello, Little Argent," He said waving at me with his fingers only before grabbing onto my wrist tightly and a whimper escaped my mouth, "You didn't really think you could get rid of me that easily did you?" I whipped my head around but we were alone in the dark. "You're dead, you can't hurt me," I seethed trying to pull my hand away but only hurting myself further and he shook his head laughing a little, "You know for someone supposed to be 'powerful' a legend, you are seriously dumb," Peter taunted. I shook my head, "What the hell does that mean?" I questioned fear falling on my face. He yanked my closer only hurting my wrist further and leaving claw marks on my wrist, he made his eyes glow blue, "I can't tell you," he shook his head, "That would ruin the surprise." "Just let me go," I demanded anger filling me and I saw a small flash of fear appear on his before he smiled again, "Uh uh, come Argent. You didn't really think that would work, did you?" "Please, I don't understand. Just let me go," I pleaded, tears filling my eyes, "Please?" He just laughed cruelly.
"Amara? Amara?" I blinked coming back to reality and clearing the tears out of my eyes as Stiles shook my shoulders, "Hey, where the hell did you go there?" "What?" I questioned confused, we had followed the Kanima to a club where Derek and my dad tried to stop him at some point I must have walked away from the fight because Stiles had led me back to the club holding onto my shoulders. "He's inside," Scott said after Stiles pointed out the kanima. "What is he after?" Stiles asked and I pulled the jacket Allison had given me tighter around my body. Allison had gone to drop Lydia off at her house and I decided to go after the Kanima with Scott and Stiles mostly because I knew Lydia would have questions and I just couldn't lie to her. "I know who he's after," Scott revealed and Stiles turned towards Scott confused before looking at me then back at him. "What? How? Did you smell something?" Stiles asked him. "Armani," Scott answered and my eyes widened, Danny. We walked around the side of the building trying to find away in, I scratched my arm still feeling Peter's hand wrapped around my wrist, I knew Stiles had noticed my silence but he didn't say anything about how he found me in the alley. "Oh come on there has to be some way to get in here a window we can break, something," Stiles complained and Scott broke the handle off the back door making Stiles turn to him exasperated, "Or a handle we can break off with supernatural strength. How did I not think of that?" I chuckled quietly at Stiles which caused both boys to look at me before Stiles smiled happily and followed Scott into the club. I paused for a moment and lifted the sleeve of my jacket seeing marks and bruises on my wrist and blood covering it. I shook my head dropping my sleeve. It wasn't real. It couldn't be. Stiles appeared in the doorway again. "You coming?" he asked and I nodded pushing my hair back before following him in. Scott looked around and the confusion on his face wiped away some of the fear that had been set in my bones. "Dude everyone here is a dude," Scott stated turning towards Stiles and I, "I think this is a gay club." Stiles who had a group drag queens around raised his eyebrows smiling a little bit before looking at me and nodding, as if saying 'you take this one.' "Wow," I started sarcastically turning towards him with my mouth open, "Nothing gets past those keen werewolf sense, huh?" Scott shook his head but a small smile played on his lips. We walked up to the bar and the bartender smiled holding out his hand, "Ids?" I handed him my fake one, he looked at all three before looking at us, "how about two cokes and whatever the lady wants." Stiles looked offended while I just smiled, "Just a coke, thanks" I responded and he nodded at me while Stiles try to argue before giving up and taking the coke. The bartender handed us three cokes before handing me a shot, "You look like you could use it," He explained and I laughed faking offence, "Ouch." He smiled before handing Scott a shot as well. "That one's paid for," He said nodding to a guy at the other end of the bar. Scott raised his eyebrows at me before smiling happily and downing his shot as I did the same. "Shut up," Stiles told us and Scott looked offended. "We didn't say anything," Scott defended. "Your faces did," Stiles replied taking a sip of his coke faux angrily. "Off topic," I cut in a small smile on my face, before looking around, "Guys, I see Danny." I pointed to Danny who was dancing in the crowd. "I found Jackson," Scott said pointing the ceiling above, "Go get Danny." "Whatever your gonna do works for me," Stiles said with a nod before we took off into the crowd calling Danny's name. Danny had just seen us before he fell over paralyzed because of Jackson. We rushed over and Scott met us there, "What do we do with him?" questioned Scott and I shrugged as someone called 911 and soon EMTs showed up. Stiles and I brought a now knocked out human Jackson to the jeep putting him in the backseat as Scott went to check on Danny and see if he knew why he was attacked.