17 year old Amara Argent moves to Beacon Hills, with her twin sister Allison, only to find the world of the supernatural awaiting at her feet. Realizing she may be closer to the supernatural than she thought with a family full of hunters and unexpla...
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"Oh, what the hell is that?" Noah exclaimed and a light but empty feeling smile played on my lips. I had decided to eat with Stiles and Noah which had led to Stiles usual antics but ever since I saw Peter the other night I had felt an almost emptiness inside me. I felt hollow. "It's a veggie burger," Stiles justified and while he wasn't looking I handed Noah one of my burgers winking at him. Noah smiled at me before whispering, "This is why you're my favorite." Stiles looked scandalized, "I can hear you," He complained and his dad just smiled, "Stiles, I asked for a hamburger." He quickly switched the veggie burger for the burger I gave him. "Well veggie is healthy," Stiles argued gesturing eccentrically, "We're being healthy." "Uh. I'm not," I commented raising my hand before sipping my milkshake and Stiles sighed. "Oh, Hell. Why are you trying to ruin my life," The Sheriff complained and Stiles rolled his eyes dramatically, "I'm trying to extend your life, you're both so dramatic," Stiles replied, "Can you just eat, please and tell us what you found." "No i'm not sharing confidential police work with two teenagers," Noah argued and Stiles and I looked past him at the board behind him. "Is that it on the board behind you?" Stiles questioned him smugly. "No, No. You two do not look at that," The Sheriff warned trying to block our view. "Ay-" Stiles complained as I tried to memorize it as Noah covered my eyes. "Avert your eyes," Noah ordered. The boys fought about it for a little longer before Noah caved and uncovered my eyes. "I found something. Mechanic and the couple who were murder. They all had something in common," Noah informed us. "Wait, All three?" Stiles asked. "Yeah. You know what I always say, one's an incident, two's a coincidence," Noah explained. "Three's a pattern," I finished for him. "The mechanic, the husband, the wife they're all the same age-24," Noah insisted. "Wait, What about Mr. Lahey? I mean Issac's dad isn't anywhere near 24," Stiles inquired. "Which made me think either "a" Mr. Lahey's murder isn't connected or "b" the ages were a coincidence until I found this," The Sheriff explained handing us Lahey's file, "Which would be "c," did you know Issac had an older brother Camden?" ""Died in Combat?"" Stiles read. "Take a guess on how old he's be if he was alive," Noah advised. "24," I sighed and he nodded, "What if they were all in the same class, I mean that could explain their age and Lahey could have been a teacher or a coach connecting them, did you look at that?" I theorized. "Yeah, Yeah. I would've I mean I just got the file two hours ago," Noah explained. "Two hours? Dad people could be dying," Stiles criticized. "Yeah, I'm aware of that thank you," Noah muttered shaking his head while grabbing a bunch of year books, Stiles and I helping him go through them. "Same class," Stiles mumbled pulling a yearbook from the rest, "This is it. Class of 2006. They all went to Beacon Hills." Stiles was pointing at the yearbook as we all stood over it. "Including Issac's brother," I acknowledged. "All right, but so what if they all knew each other, you know? I mean, two of them were married, so maybe they all just hung out," Stiles announced. "Well they could've had the same classes together, They could've..." I trailed off looking into it. "What?" Stiles questioned not following. "Same teacher," I pointed out. "Harris. They were all in his class?" Stiles asked. "All four. And I don't know how Mr. Lahey fits in, but this - kid, this is definitely a pattern. All right, give me the 2006 yearbook. These names, we need faces," The Sheriff ordered. "Which ones?" We asked at the same time. "Everyone in that class. If the kills are not done-" Noah started. "They're all in danger," I finished. Stillinski called someone as we gathered the stuff.