Our love story.

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Thankyou for reading this story. Here's the last one for you all.

Not edited. 🙏

"How the fuck did you get inside? I denied you access!" Win spoke from above the flight of stairs.

"Now this is no way to speak to your senior, Win! Bright was apparently waiting outside for 20 minutes before I found him. The guards told me that you denied him entry three times. That's not like my son, and I don't expect such behaviour out of him. Bright is a guest." Spoke Mr.Veerapolaka from beside Bright. Win, apparently too fumed in his anger towards Bright hadn't noticed his father's presence.

"I am sorry, baba. It won't happen again."

"I expect as much.

Sorry for my son's childishness, Bright. I think rebelling is an idea of growing up for you kids nowadays. I have you registered. As long as a member of the family is present in the house, you will be granted an easy access. I can understand how grueling these security checks can be."

"You didn't have to, sir. Thank you very much. I am sorry for any inconvenience."

"I have always liked you. Smart and humble as always. Believe me when I say this, my son is a good kid. Sometimes anger fogs perception."

"His anger is directed the correct way, sir and right fully so. I am all to blame." Bright said with confidence and guilt all at the same time.

The Cheif Justice of Thailand gave out a hearty chuckle, "I trust you two will work things out.

We should have lunch sometime soon. I heard you're a big fan of soccer. My son prefers old and boring cricket. You would definitely want to learn some old time tricks from me."

(A/n: who all loves cricket, raise you hands for me. 🙋‍♀️)

"That would be an honour, sir. Aside from school, I am not a busy man."

"I highly doubt that. Speaking from experience, that guy up there is a handful. Godspeed, son." Mr.Veerapolaka patted Bright's back in encouragement and left for his study.


"I am sorry."

"That's all you got?"

"I love you.."

"Great choice there!"

"Win, I can't live if you stay mad at me."

"Good for you."

"Baby.. how can I make it up to you?"

"You had no right to get my father involved!"

"I didn't, I swear. I was ready to wait at the gate for as long as you would like for me to. Uncle just happened to spot me when I was sharing a cup of tea with the guards."

"I don't believe you! Why would you get out of your car if you didn't intend on being spotted by a member of my family? Politics is in your blood, tch."

"It was cold..." Bright whined, "we needed that cup of tea."

"You literally own a million dollar car..?"

"It was cold for the guards. It's January, Win." Bright said with a pout that Win usually has a hard time resisting.

"Vachirawit is a synonym to excuses. I need the dictionaries updated."

"I am not-"

"I am exhausted."

"Hmm. It's 2 already."

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