Give it a try

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I woke up feeling the presence of him and I just melted right back into his arms.I honestly don't care if I barely know him I'm a cuddler and he is my big teddy bear. His head rose up.
"Good morning my love, are you okay"
This time when he called me his love my heart fluttered.
I blushed and nuzzled my head in his neck.
"I'm okay"I say but it came out as a muffle.
"Princess did I make you blush"
There it is again princess I blushed once more.
"Do you get nervous around me"he moved his face close to mine our faces inches apart.I could feel his breath blowing past my face. He moves himself over pinning my arms.
"Only if you'll go on a date with me"
What the hell I barely even knew him now he wants to date me.No guy has ever asked me on a date the day after. Why god why I know this man has done nothing to hurt me but still he made me upset he owns a mafia he KILLS people.
Give it a chance
Just give the man a chance all he done was care for you
But the amount of things he's done the amount of people he's killed
No matter how long you know him for it won't change the fact that he runs a mafia
I fought with myself back and forth in my brain and before the fight was over I heard a voice
"Alora love,what's going on in that head of yours"
"I'll go just give me a time and a place and btw you're picking me up"
"That's fine"he manages to blurt out before beginning to laugh.
"Hey what's funny"he continues
"What are you laughing at"he continues
"Are you laughing at at m me"that was all I said because that was one of the main things that made me insecure,I uncontrollably pouted.
"No love it's just your little face scrunches are so cute"
"What I face scrunch"
"No baby it's cute it's just you can't control your facial expressions"
"I can't?"
I squirmed a little then I felt a dampness.I quickly ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw blood.I had just started,in my bed with him in it.I couldn't help but cry.
Shortly after I heard a knock.
"My love it's okay I already removed the sheets and got your mom to put them in the wash and you didn't get any on me"
"Just leave me alone"
"Fine I give you ten minutes to clean up after that ten minutes finishes I'm coming in"
I sniffled "Okay"
"I promise you love there is nothing to be ashamed about it's a natural thing"
"Thank you"
"Any time"
I heard him slowly walking off. Shoot I forgot I'm on a time limit.I quickly took off my messed up clothes and grabbed my backup pair of clothes that I always keep in the bathroom.I slipped those on.

"Are you nearly done Alora""Yeah nearly just need to take these down to the washroom""Okay hurry up your time is nearly done"I rushed downstairs then rushed back up to my room he was already sitting on the bed with newly spread sheets on it

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"Are you nearly done Alora"
"Yeah nearly just need to take these down to the washroom"
"Okay hurry up your time is nearly done"
I rushed downstairs then rushed back up to my room he was already sitting on the bed with newly spread sheets on it.
"Thank you for putting on my sheets for me"
"It's okay you need somewhere to rest"
I didn't even think before saying
"Canyouspendtherestofthedaywithme"I say all in one
"Sure"he says while chuckling.
I bow my head and slowly make my way over to the bed I lay down as he sits beside me.I slowly begin to think again running over the things that has happened over the past few days.WAIT ITS A SCHOOL DAY.
"Calm down love school got cancelled it's snowing extremely heavily so the roads aren't safe therefore all the schools in your area are closed"
He chuckled loud but not loud enough to make it a laugh.
"Yes my love it is snowing"
"How come I didn't know"I say pouting.
"I guess it's because all the curtains are closed"
"So I guess we have no choice but to spend the day with eacother because everyone in this house is stuck"
"Guess so"
"K Im gonna attempt to take a nap so if you call me or tap me and I don't wake up I'm not dead just sleep"
"Okay that's fine but how do I know if your actually dead"
"Put ice cream next to my nose and if I don't wake up I'm for sure dead"
"Okay"he chuckles out
I lay my head back attempting to fall asleep but it didn't work.And there it was again that strange need for him.I lift my head up looking at him.He furrowed his brows.
"Cuddle please"
"You don't even have to ask"
He slipped himself under the covers immediately wrapping his arms around me.I never thought I would see the day where a hot guy was laying in bed with me so close to me and it not be sexual.I guess he just a genuine guy.

Authors note
I apologise for the extremely long updates i have a lot on my plate and my school work has almost doubled thank you so much for reading

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