My luck

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Alora POV

We were driving and then my mom said "We're half way their" so I started to search up the restaurant to see how it looks.It looks expensive how could mom afford that. Oh wait Adam is rich. I closed my phone and regained focus but I felt heat on my leg I look towards my thighs and I was sitting directly next to him. I started to move back to the other side of the car. But he grabbed my wrist with his left arm and my waist with his right pulling me closer. "You don't move away from me unless I tell you to do you hear me"
I nod my head quickly.
"Use your words princessa,words"
"I hear you"
I looked away from him as I said it.
He turned my head to face him by grabbing neck
"When you're talking to me you look at me understood"
I say while looking at him. "Good girl"he rested his hand on my thigh gently.I could've moved his hand well not really but I wanted his hand there it was comforting.I wasn't paying attention because of what had just happened but when I looked at the gps it was saying we were going the wrong way.I just kept quite. I got extremely tired so I just rested my head on the free seat beside me but I felt a pair of rough but gentle hands pull me up and place my head on a shoulder.It was the one and only Rafael.I furrowed my brows.He noticed my confusion and said " I don't want you to sleep on the seat it's uncomfortable and it's bad for your back so if you need to sleep you will sleep on my shoulders"
"I'll sleep on your shoulders"
I actually wanted to he was literally a big pillow . I tried my best to sleep but I couldn't because of the dress I was in. He noticed that I was moving around a lot so he pulled one of my braids back over my shoulder and began to gently stroke my face there was no point in trying to move away the dude is way to strong he would stop me.I drifted of to sleep.

At the restaurant

"Alora wake up love we're here"
I woke up rubbed my eyes I'm so glad I chose not to wear mascara.I lifted my head of his shoulder and he got up opening the car door and he held out his hand.What a gentleman. I grabbed his hand and he helped me out.We entered the restaurant and we got our tables and gave our orders.Mom insisted I sat next to Rafael in the four person booth.My eyes scanned around the room and then a table caught my eye it was the loudest one it was a group full of college boys. But then I saw him Nick my ex the one who made me not want to go to school for months because I was trying to avoid the male species because of the things he made me do. Wtf isn't he supposed to be in Australia. We hadn't been given our food yet so I excused my self from the table to go to "the bathroom" I was heading for the bathroom but for some reason it didn't cross my mind that I would have to pass his table to get to the bathroom so I made a run for it I was right outside the girls bathroom door when I heard a too familiar voice "I knew you would come back to me" I made a run for the bathroom but he grabbed my wrist so hard that his fingernails tore skin. I whimpered. "I have a boyfriend" I lied.
"Okay then I don't care"
"Just please let me go"

"Not until I get a kiss"
I turned my head presenting my cheek to him and he kissed it. Then he let go the grasp he had on my wrist and I ran straight out of the restaurant.I was sobbing because there is no other way for me to let out all the feelings I had . I look into the restaurant window and I see Rafael tell my mom something and my mom give him the car keys. He got up and headed for the door. He looked down at me sitting on the floor.
"What happened"
"I saw my ex and and an...."
"Princessa breathe before you speak you can continue now"
I calmed my breathing as he sat down next to me.
" Okay my ex was in the restaurant and then I tried to head for the bathroom but he followed me I tried to get away but then he hurt m.."
Before I could even finish my sentence he says.
"What did he do to you" he says sternly.
I showed him my wrist and it immediately made me start crying again.He pulled me into his shoulder and he let me cry their for a good 5 minutes before saying "I'll kill him"
"Well you won't will you"
"He hurt you Princessa and that's not okay and you should know that"
"Is their anything else he did to you"
I didn't want to say.
" You need to tell me now look at me"
"He forcefully kissed me"
"Well now he's a dead man"
"Wait were you being serious when you said you were going to kill him"
"Well I'm not but I'll get someone to do it for me"
I moved away from him.
"What's wrong"
"What the fuck do you mean what's wrong you kill people"
I started getting up and I ran but I didn't get very far before he grabbed me pulling me in by the neck my back smashing against his front.
"Look my love I am a Don of a mafia so that's basically my job"
I shivered.
"How is that going to make me feel better"
"My lo.."
"Don't call me that"
"I thought we discussed that I call you whatever I want"
"Do you hear me"
"Good girl"
"Let's go in the car your mother said you can wait in there until they
came out"

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