What is happening

710 23 1

Rafael gently lifted me-
my dress dragging across the marble floor.
"My love do you wanna sleep in my room"
"Yeah but I need to go to my room to get ready for bed"
He looked down at me and pouted "but I'll miss you"
"It'll only take a few minutes bub"I quickly pecked his cheek.
He slowly let me down and I began to walk up the stairs.
"I love you"
He called after me.I turned around and smiled at the man who loves me.

I finally made it to MY room.I headed straight for my bed grabbing the t shirt and basketball shorts Rafael had given me.I then headed to the bathroom to oil the spaces between my braids.I then slipped on my bonnet.I washed my face put oil on then brushed my teeth.I was just about to go grab a cleansing face mask when I heard a knock.I rushed out the bathroom and opened the door.Rafael immediately reached out and wrapped his hands around my waist. "I missed you baby"
"You couldn't stay away could you"
"Not ever"
"You ready"
"I've been waiting long enough"
As he backed up I took a moment to admire his attire he was bare chested and he had GREY SWEATS on.He smiled at me before lifting me up and running to his room door.Once we entered the room he gently placed me on the bed and kissed my cheek. "Baby what do you wanna watch"
"Umm live action beauty and the beast"
"Oh I actually like that movie"
"Kay let's watch"
"Yes bub"
"I love you"
I pouted at him.
"You don't have to say it back"
"Alora I have something to tell you"
"What is it"
"Well I'm kinda famous"
"Yeah I recently figured that out"
"My father is making a publicity move"
"What do you mean by publicity move"
"My father paired me with this girl to entice the fans"
This did affect me but I was not going to let him know.
I said with absolutely no emotion.
"Wel-  um okay"
I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.
"I'm to tired to watch the movie you can turn it off"
He sighed and turned it off.
In a matter of seconds I was knocked out.

My eyes slowly opened with the feeling of his heavy arm around me.I got up headed to my room did my morning routine. I headed downstairs to the kitchen I grabbed some stuff out the fridge and started making breakfast.
Just when I plated the food Rafael came downstairs.
"Love I was worried I thought you left"
I was about to reply but I remembered what he said last night.
"What's with the dry responses.Did I do something?"
I shook my head no.
"Well I'm going out to the press with my dad so the boys are coming over to watch you while I'm gone"
He came over to me kissed me on the forehead and too the food that I made and put it in a lunch box.
"Bye my love"
I gave him a soft smile.
He headed out the door.
I took my food over to the couch put the tv on YouTube and started eating.When I was nearly finished eating I heard the door open.My heart stopped. Soon after I saw the boys faces appear.
"Shit you guys scared me"
"You know why we're here right"
Jax said.
"Yeah I do"
"I'm bored what are we gonna do"Adrien said boldly.
I giggled.Theo hit Adrien on the head.
"Oww what was that for"
I giggled again.
"You guys can just use the pool table or the bar or the actual pool"
"Oh thanks"
"You guys can get in I've gotta go change"
"Okay we'll be outside"
I smiled and headed to the dressing room to find Nella and there she was.
"What do you need darling"
"Can I have a swimsuit"
"Sure would you like a one piece"
Knowing that I've been a little insecure lately I nodded.
She searched throw some racks and then grabbed a swimsuit.
"Here you go"

"It's so cute thanks Nella""Your welcome darling"I headed to my room and got changed into the swimsuit

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"It's so cute thanks Nella"
"Your welcome darling"
I headed to my room and got changed into the swimsuit.I grabbed a towel grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.I slid open the doors and headed outside.
"Alright pop off"Adrien said.
I giggled and said.
I rested my towel and phone on the pool chair and slowly slipped in the pool.
"Do you guys wanna play dodgeball"Theo asked.
"In the pool?"
"Yes Alora"He chuckled out.
"Let's do teams"I said.
"Sure me you and Jax on one team and Adrien and Freddy on the other"Theo said.
"Sounds fair let's start"
Freddy threw the first ball I dipped under the water I grabbed the ball and threw it accidentally hitting Adrien in the face.
"Sorry Aide"I giggled.
"You'll regret that Alora"
Suddenly I felt two hands gripp my leg underwater.Without warning I was lifted into the air.I screamed as I fell back into the pool.
"Do you guys wanna take a drink break"Theo said.
I hopped out the pool and headed for the pool chair.I grabbed my phone opening it and going on Instagram.As soon as I opened it I saw Rafael with his lips on some skinny blonde white bitch.I immediately got angry.But then a wave of sadness came over me.Theo came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.O didn't even realise I was crying.I got up wrapped the towel around my dried myself as much as I could then ran inside Theo followed.
"Alora what happened"
I couldn't even speak.Theo immediately hugged me stroking my back gently.
"What did he do"
After Theo said that Rafael came bursting through the door.
Theo quickly let go.
Rafael walked over grabbing him by the neck.
"Rafael stop I said calmly"He ignored me and threw him on the floor punching him.
He stopped punching.
"Why should I"
"Cause he's not the one upsetting me you are"
His eyes softened.He tilted his head.
"Theo stay there I'll go get the first aid kit"
I ran upstairs into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit I ran back downstairs to see him sitting on the kitchen stool.I took out wipes and bandaids.
"I've already got an ice pack"he mumbled.
"Okay this might hurt"I carefully wiped the wipe across the hash on his face.
"Do you wanna do it yourself"
"Yeah thanks"
I patted his back and then found my way to Rafael.Before I could even say anything he said.
"What ever you need to talk about let's talk in the office"He looked down.And it made me realise I was still in my swimsuit.
"Can we just go"
He nodded and lead the way to the office.Once
we were inside he said.
"What did you wanna talk about"
I pulled out my phone showing him the trending picture.
"What's wrong with it"
"The fuck you mean what's wrong with it you could've at least told me"
"I told you last night and you agreed I don't see the problem here"
"You are a fucking dick"
"How am I a dick I fucking told you last night and you agreed so I don't know why you're mad now"He said raising his voice slightly.
"You are fucking clueless"
"You are fucking insecure"
I am insecure he did tell me last night. My thoughts were disrupted by Rafael's hands around me.I had completely zoned out.
"I shouldn't have said that"
I pushed him off of me.I ran upstairs I put on the sweats and the hoodie I wore over here and grabbed my phone.I ran back downstairs and ran out the door.I walked.I didn't care where I was going I just needed to walk.I walked and I walked until my legs got tired.I checked my phone and noticed I had been walking for an hour and a half.I decided to head back.That taking me another hour 30.I finally made it to the house.I opened the door and saw Rafael sitting on the floor with his face in his hands.He looked up at me his eyes red and puffy.

What have I done to this man.

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