Chapter 18

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I wonder if you
feel it when I
Dream about you
- Miss Muse

Thea's POV

We are finally done with the exams. Alec fucking Fredrick somehow convinced me to go back home. Our flight is tomorrow.

I also invited all my friends to the party so that I don't feel like an outcast. Ughhh I hate it there. They were flying in a day before the party. I don't know why I was flying a week before

We all called our goodbyes. Amy and Alec as usually came in hands and hands. God I will get diabetes just by looking at them. Anyways this Ryan thing has messed with my head. I feel immensely guilty....why you ask? I don't know myself. I feel suffocated anytime I think about it. I mostly refrain myself from thinking about all these and though I am not proud of it cigarettes are helping me

"Ready Claire?" Alec's voice broke into my reverie


"Are you okay?"

"Why have you been asking me that?"

"I don't know. You seem off"


What is off about me?

"Lets go our cab is here"


Putting his luggage in the cab, he turned for mine

"I can do it" I said gently pushing his hands away

"I don't want you to get hurt"

"How will I get hurt?"

"That shit is heavier than me"


"Claire sit inside" with that he took my luggage

Why is he so caring?
Eww did I just say that?

We reached the airport at the perfect time. After getting our boarding pass we sat right in front gate 3 waiting for our flight.

"You want some coffee?"


"And I will buy some cream beagle too"

"I don't feel like it"

"I will buy it have it when you feel like it. Okay?"

"Okay!" I smiled softly

Alec came back a few minutes later while I scrolled through Instagram

"They were out of coffee but the cafe behind does have coffee but the queue was so so long......if you really want it i can- "

"Sit down and thanks"

"Here's your beagle"

"So...tell me what's new?"

"Nothing really"

"There is always something new in everybody's life"

"Okay so I bought 2 new pairs of underwear one blue and"

"Shut up"

"That's all that's new"

As if on queue an announcement was made for our boarding. The flight was mostly empty with mostly single travellers. I took the aisle seat leaving the window seat to Alec.

"Comfortable?" Alec asked


We took off moments after. I planned on watching a movie but felt extremely tired thus closing my eyes
"Wanna have some chocolates?" Alec asked opening a box of heart shaped chocolate

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