chapter 4... Protective

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Was he trying to piss me off on purpose. I had no idea. He was so mysterious.

I texted Helena as she wanted me too.


Hey gurl, that date was a one of a kind I'm sure xxx

I sent the text slumping into my living room and collapsing on the couch I eventually fell asleep. Bzzz I was woken up by my phone going off.


What! Tell me all :D xxx

My face grew into a smile she had no idea how it went.


Um well it started off great he's so kind and funny but then it all went down hill, he seemed weird after this guy looked at me, weird hey. xxx

I could no longer hold my phone so I let it slip from my grip , I gazed up at the clock it was 12:01am, really I am sleep deprived I swear, I got up realizing I hadn't actually moved from the sofa. So I wandered up stairs to my bath room clearing my make up off and brushing my teeth I then walked to my bedroom collapsing onto my squishy best friend I named 'bed'.I regained my sleep hitting the pillow as I closed my eyes.


It steamed to be becoming a thing of mine now being constantly woken up by my phone, I opened my lazy, heavy eyes, reaching for the device responsible for my awakening. Two new messages, I huffed unlocking my phone and reading the first message.


Wow so are you gunna see him again or not, I mean like it seames like a bit of a weird date. Love you though xxx

I smiled at her kind words. I really couldn't live with out her, really couldn't! I replyed.


Well I'm not sure, but I will always love you too xxx

the second message from Liam. I hesitated before opening the message.


Goodnight x

it was short and sweet. Uhh! My feeling are so messed up he is so sweet unless confronted or in competition if I was to see him again I would have to watch for his confronting side. Why was life so complicated grr! Ever since I met Liam things have just been up and down and its only been a weekend.

I replyed to Liam' s message. I might as well give it a shot.


good morning :) x

I stretched pulling the duvet off me and scrambling to my feet. My toes pressed against the softness of the carpet a comforting feeling, they brushed along the floor as I walked down the hallway to my bathroom pulling my soft pink dressing gown on covering my slightly shivering body. I stared into the mirror my face still sleepy so I patted some powdered foundation to my face making me look more awake and gleaming. I couldn't be bothers to put any more make up on so I just brushed through my long brunette locks and brushed my teeth.

I pulled my bedroom curtains open the, sun flooding through, brightening my room. I smiled at the brightness if the day, a hot day that means only one thing shorts and a t-shirt. I live in shorts in the summer, I opened my wardrobe sifting through the shorts and t-shirt section. Grabbing for a light grey polo shirt and some denim shorts with studs down one leg. Pulling my shorts up my legs my phone buzzed, I yanked my top on reading the message.


Good morning to you too :D x


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