It Ends Here

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I screamed for him to come and take me away from this place...away from this prison I thought was my safe haven...I want to get away from this mess

My screams only made my mother...I mean my captor hiss as she tied a cloth to cover my mouth making my voice muffled and desperate

I fall to my knees feeling hopeless and tired...all my life I've been fooled and the only one who ever cared for me is nowhere to be found...I can feel Pascal trembling as he hid behind a thick curtain of my hair

Tears stung the corners of my eyes but I held them back, crying won't make me get away from all this...I hang my head low and just waited for something to happen...I need a miracle

" your will Pitch...she's all ours" I heard her say...They are gonna use me as their minion? I squeezed my eyes shut letting a single tear roll down my cheeks

I can hear the sound of Pitch's voice mumbling some words and the tower became darker making me tremble...Jack....please help me

That's when the windows slammed open as a strong cold gust of wind came in knocking both of my captors off their feet

I looked up and my heart jumped in joy...Two blue orbs stared at me, examining me

Jack knelt down in front of me and took away the gag from my mouth "You came!" I exclaimed...He gave me a smile "I'm your guardian, remember?"

He immediately stood up and touched the chains making ice creep up the metal...He frowned as he focused on breaking them

*Zap* I stood up and embraced him...I missed him...I feel him hug me back but we didn't get to linger because Pitch was back on his feet and glaring at Jack full of hatred

"Frost! How many times do you have to ruin my plans?!" he growled...Jack stood in front of me, in attempt of protecting me of whatever's coming...I cling into the material of his jacket as I watched the scene

"If all your plans involve of hurting people, then I will have to stop your every bidding" Jack answers, pointing his staff at Pitch ready to strike

I see Gothel, my fake mother, extending a hand to me with a smile "Flower...come back to me"

I frowned and shook my head furiously "Why should I?"

"I'm your mother" she says, her smile wavering but I kept a straight face and stepped forward "All my life, I thought that you loved me, I thought you really cared for me...but all along you just wanted my magic, you just wanted your youth..." I shook my head once again "You will never be my mother"

Gothel lowers her hand, her smile gone "I raised you, I protected you"

" didn't protect me at wanted my magic all for yourself and now, you're handing me to this man?" I pointed at Pitch "All you did was use me"

"I gave what you needed!" she says trying her best to woo me to go with her...but I'm done being her puppet

"You gave me what I needed for me to can't afford losing me because you are gonna lose my magic too...YOU ARE JUST USING ME"

"That's enough chatter!" Pitch growls as he strikes his dark magic towards me but Jack froze it before it could get near me

Gothel didn't waste a second, she runs to me and grabs my wrist making me wince "You are my flower!"

"No!" I screamed as I yanked my arm back...and that's when the battle began...Jack fighting Pitch and me getting away from my possessive captor

"They stole the flower from me and I got it back...I'm not gonna lose it again!" Gothel yells as she yanked at my hair making me shriek in pain

She pulled at my hair, slowly and painfully....I scanned the area for anything that can help me and that's when I saw a broken shard of glass...I desperately reached for it and I got it right before Gothel had me trapped in her arms...

She chuckled and looked at me "That's enough games for now my flower...I win yet again"

I frowned and reached for my hair, just below my shoulders "No...It ends here!" and with that, I chopped my hair off making Gothel gasp and releasing me...

I held on my throbbing head and fell to the floor

"No! No! No!" I hear Gothel scream...I dare to look back and that's when I saw her lunge towards me but I rolled to my side making her land on the floor, turning to ashes

Pitch looked at the ashes next to me...horrified

"You! You ungrateful!" He immediately appeared to my side and grab me by my throat, choking me

I desperately clawed at his arms but he won't let go...I hear Jack groan in agony

"Watch her suffer Frost! Watch her!" Pitch yells...I'm getting light headed and Jack's groans are making me hopeless

Pitch glared at me as his grip around my neck gets tighter...I'm running out of breath...Jack's screams echoed throughout the tower making me confused, Is he suffering the same thing?

"Goodbye" he mutters with an evil smirk and my eyes are slowly getting heavy when something comes flying into the tower....a boomerang...hitting Pitch to his side

He let out a shriek and lets go of me...I fall to the ground, sucking in air trying to catch my breath...Jack is lying on the floor across from me...unconscious and weak

I look up to see who came this time and saw four silhouettes... a flying figure of a fairy fly towards me, her arms outstretched and that's the last thing I saw before I was surrounded by darkness


AN: Hello! Hello! Helloooooo!!!!! *clears throat* okay first of all, I'm soooooooo sooooo sorry for being such a slow writer....please don't kill me! Second, I hope this somehow made it up,Third,thus story is gonna end soon and lastly THANK YOU FOR READING,VOTING AND COMMENTING! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Punziemyles...OUT! :)

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