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Jack was hanging around the workshop when he felt pain shot through his chest. He clutch his chest and winced. North noticed this and asked him what's wrong.

"Oh no....Punzie." Jack whispered as he finally realized what the pain meant....she's hurt trouble. "I have to go!" Jack said as he ran out the workshop. "Be careful Jack!" he heard North say before he took off.

He flew as fast as he can to reach the tower...he should've asked for North's snowglobes but there's no time...Rapunzel needs him.

Finally, he reached the tower. "Rapunzel?!" he called out. The tower was dark and...messy. Only a single candle and the moon's faint light lit up the place.

He went up her room to check if she's still there but...there's nothing but darkness.

"Darkness...." he whispered to himself.

His eyes widened as he realized something. "Pitch!" he exclaimed.

He immediately went out of the tower and flew to a place he knows where to find him....His Lair.

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