The pictures

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Sorry last couple of chapters have been bad I literally write the last one the moment I woke up so I was still half asleep 😅 anyway back with the story
Y/d: your dad aswell :)


I woke up to the sound of knocking at my bedroom door.

Y/n: one second

I get up yawning then I see my diary open beside me.

Y/d: can I come in?

Panicking I quickly drop the book on the floor as my dad opens the door and shove it underman bed so it's still visible but he probably wouldn't notice.

Y/d: I got you something.

He pulls out a dog carrier from behind his back. It have the most adorable little puppy inside he was mostly back with tan spots and a white belly.

Y/n: Omg a puppy

I take the carrier and let him out holding him in my arms

Y/d: we'll i thought it's been a bit weird only having us two and I leave a lot to sorta out jobs it would be nice for you to have some company while I'm gone and your birthdays coming up soon so you can class it as an early birthday present!

I look at the puppy as he yawns

Y/n: it's the best present ever thank you!

I hug my dad and he leaves my room keeping the puppy with me.

Y/n: hmm what am I gonna call you?

C: what about Camilo junior.?

I scream in shock

Y/d: YOU OK?


Y/d: OK!

C: I'm annoying bug now thanks mi amor!

Y/n: why are you at my house?!?

C: I wanted to look at the pictures you took!

Y/n: I said I would bring them round sometimes not show at my house!!!

C: ye but I was bored and coming round here anyway

He climbs through my window looking around my room

C: You unlocked you box I see. Looks nice mi amor!

He turns towards me and look at the wall behind my bed. As I just say silent playing with the puppy

C: oh so there's the pictures. And I seem to be in all of them

He looks surprised

Y/n: we'll ye your sorta stood in the way if I took a picture without you there you would miss half the sunset

C: I swear you took my pictures than this...?

I look up nervous

Y/n: nope that's it

I laugh awkwardly while he stares at me clearly suspicious


I sigh and put the puppy in Camilo arms

Y/n: look after him and make sure he doesn't eat anything he's not meant to got it!?

C: roger that mi amor!

He looks down at the puppy smiling and starts playing with him on my bed

I leave to go help my dad, he rlly needs to learn how to use technology

Y/n hands me Camilo junior and place him on the bed while she's rambling about not letting him eat anything, I play with him watching him chase my hand when I notice a book sorta under the bed.
I grab the book and look under to see the chocolates we ate and some pens. I put the book and my lap and open it to see some photos all of just me like the sunset ones but I'm the main focus..
I start reading what she said till i see the words "Camilo is. I don't really know what he is. I guess we're friends but every time I see him I get butterflys."
I here y/n coming and I quickly take one of the pictures and put the rest back in the book before shoving it back under her bed

Y/n: Camilo I better not see my room destroyed when I come in here

I burst into my room my dad hearing me

Y/d: Camilo? Is that the new dogs name?

Y/n: Its er- a nickname as a joke since he's cheeky like my friend

Y/d: so have you thought of a name for him yet

Y/n: not yet dad I'll think of one later

Y/d: ok sweets we'll I'm going to go out again for awhile see you later

Camilo smiles At me as I'm yelling

Y/n: byeee dad

Dad leaves and I shut my door

C: hello mi amor

Y/n: why are you smiling..?

C: no reason

Y/n: I wanna watch a movie so leave please bur-bye

C: but-

Y/n: nope be Gone

C: pleaseeeee mi amor I wanna watch the movie to we can invite Mirabel and even stay over here

Mirabel would probably need that after what happened yesterday bur idk why he had to be there

Y/n: I guess she would probably want to considering circumstances but why would you need to be here

C: cause would love that and I'm her cousin I wanna help

Y/n: ok you go invite her then

C: roger

camilo leaves and set up blankets and pillows on the floor moving the stuff form under my bed in a box and putting them in my wardrobe out of reach of the little dog.

Y/n: what are we gonna call you then

The puppy looks up and me and does a sorta soft baby bark.

Y/b: How abouuttt errr idk I'll ask Mirabel when she gets here

Sorry it took so long for this one to come out I was doing hours chores a lot today 😅 thanks for reading again

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