Inlove or not?

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C: I love you y/n

She stared at me blankly. Did I mess up? God she doesn't like me does she!?

I stare at her back and I see her face turn red but she still stays quiet.

C: I'm sorry this was a mistake.

I turn away and walk off.


I stare at him not knowing what to say. I want to just blurt out I love him to but I just seem to frozen.

C: I'm sorry this was a mistake.

I watch him walk away wiping his eyes. And I try resist my tears. What did I do? Casita gets a camera huddling all the madrigals together to take a picture. I couldn't watch and I walk out Isabella noticing and following after me.

I: Hey! Wait up.

I slow my pace as she catches up to me.

I squint my eyes still trying to contain my tears.

I: hey you seem upset what's wrong.

Y/n: it's nothing I promise.

I look away feeling the tears start to fall.

I: are you... crying what's wrong!

She hugs me starling me making me start uncontrollably start crying.

Y/n: Camilo pulled me aside and told me he loved me i panicked and he thought I didn't like him back and now he's upset and I like him a lot but now I don't think he wants to talk to me and I don't know how to tell him i love him back and-

C: you love me?

I hear a voice from behind Isa making me let go of the hug wiping my tears on to the back of my arm.

I look up to see Camilo standing there with Dolores watching / trying to hide in a bush behind him.


I'm speechless again and I can't seem to get the words out. I walk up to him while he stands there still shocked and confused.

I stand in front of him. And nod. Wiping my face again. He starts to smile and I hug him around the shoulders.

Y/n: I love you Camilo and I have for awhile and I just panicked when you told me inside so I couldn't respond.

C: I love you to mi amor.

Y/n: hey I finally know what mi amor means to.

C: wait when did you find out!?!?

Y/n: a couple days ago.

I giggled and he starts to blush. We let go of the hug to see my dad standing in the doorway of casita watching everehing that happened.

D/n: YOU had a CRUSH on a BOY and NEVER told ME!

He gets annoying in a jokey way before hugging me. Making it so that I'm facing away from Camilo and he's Facing towards him.

D/n: I'll leave you guys to it the food here's amazing.

He lets go of the hug and walks back inside.

C: your dads scary he just death stared me during that whole hug.

I laugh as he pouts.

Y/n: cmon let's go inside.

I kiss him in the cheek and walk inside with Isabella.

D: Ooooooo.

C: shut it.

They walk in not long after us and you hear (a random song you think fits in here) start playing from a speaker.

C: hey mi amor you know this one.

He lays out his hand and bows.

I take hold of his hand and all eyes land on us. As we begin to dance. Pepa and Felix join us then Julieta and Austin. As we all dance in the middle. Soon Bruno stands next to us holding a rat as his partner.

Everyone grabs a partner and dances with us in the middle still mainly focusing on us two. We spin and the song ends with our noses almost touching.

We awkwardly move back a couple steps hearing some disappointed "aws" coming from the crown of dancers.

We turn to each other.

Y/n: your a good dancer.

C: your not bad yourself.

We begin to laugh to ourself when I feel something push against me pushing me into Camilo making him catch me in his arms.

I stand up properly and while he's till holding onto me.

C: y/n?

Y/n: yeah?

He buys his lip clearly nervous.

C: will you.. be my girlfriend...

I look at him and smile.

Y/n: took you long enough.

I laugh before pulling into a kiss. I feel his soft lips as everyone around us is cheering.


We pull away from the kiss to breath and we place our heads together.

C: I love you Y/n

Y/n: i love you to.


Sorry this chapter isn't as great but I just really wanted to make a chapter just focusing on y/n and camilo getting together without anything else in it and being able to post it same day as I posted the other one. anyway Thanks so much for all the Venus like normal it's crazy! Anyway thank you I'm going start the next chapter now but I have no clue when I rlly be out 😅.

Young love (Camilo x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now