The Dinner

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M: I'm worried

Y/n: it'll be fine

M: what if Dolores tells everyone

Y/n: then we'll deal with it together

M: ok i have to get back see you in a few minutes bye

She waves me goodbye and leaves. I take a deep breath in.

Y/n:You got this

I approach the door and gently knock hoping in not late. Ms Guzman opens the door welcoming me in.

G: your just one time Abuela will be here any minute

After a few minutes of failing small talk Abuela arrives to walk us down. She comes in and greets us before Mariano walks down in a big white suit.

MG: how do I look

G: Just perfect

Ab: amazing

Y/n: wow I've never seen you so fancy before you look good.

I give him a jokey thumbs up and Abuela takes Mariano's arm and begins walking us down. The whole way there was silent.

Finally we had arrived, I walked up to the table as Mirabel gestures me to come sit next to her. Camilo sitting in-front of me with his suit that's to big for him on , starts staring at me blankly clearly confused on why I'm there before quickly turning away remembering he's angry with us, I look over to Mirabel to see her and Dolores staring deeply into each other's souls. Mirabels dad offers Mirabel some bread covering her view of Dolores. She moves his hand out the way to see Dolores whispering to Camilo. In shock Camilo shapeshifts into Mirabel , Bruno then him back to himself but with a desorted face having his dad nudge him to try fox the problem.

F: Camilo, fix your face!

I couldn't help but Giggle a little. Camilo turned and told Felix making him spit water all over the Guzmans making both me and Camilo sit there looking at each other while we try hold in our laughter. Distracted by the Guzmans felix turned around and whispered to Pepa forming a thundering, grey cloud across the dinner table. Abuela looks over at Pepa trying to keep in her anger.

Ab: Pepa you have a cloud

Pepa starts nervously stroking her hair muttering 'clear skies' to herself. Before turning around and telling Juliette. Juliette turns around to me and Mirabel with a shocked and disappointed look.
Being nervous Mirabel distracts drinking her drink to avoid eye contact when she notices cracks appearing in the floor. Panicking she turns around to Isabella and Mariano,

M: hey you should probably propose soon like idk maybe.... right now! Hehe

MG: we'll I was actually gonna-

M: YOU we're actually gonna that's great you should uhh do it now!!

I decide to join in and help her out.

Y/n: Ye it would be nice to do it while everyone is watching!!!

M: mhm mhm!

Abuela looks over furiously trying to see what we were doing.

G: we'll as everyone has a... talent Mariano wanted to do a little song he wrote Luisa could you fetch the Piano please!


A sad Luisa goes over to the piano to try pic it up.

M: actually it's tradition to sing after!

She pushes Mariano of his chair and he pulls out his ring. He begins asking when we see a crack appear making Mirabel jump onto of it so no one can see it. Making everyone turn to her.

M: it's fine carry on

Luisa begins crying as she struggles to Bring the piano in making her falling on the floor. The cracks begin growing more than we can hide, all of Antonio's animals run out over the table and everyone's laps causing everyone to scream.



Delores covers her ears again as Abuela looks furious at us both while All the gifts go haywire making one of Isabella's flowers sprout and hit Mariano's nose breaking it aswell as Camilo turning into a baby man with a moustache and rain starts pouring over everyone.

The doors behind Camilo and Dolores open with a gush of wind leaving them all to see the monstrosity that really lies in the Madrigal family.

Everyone rushes out the door shouting at Mirabel and me as they go past. Camilo came out last.

C: I need to speak with you.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me away from Mirabel to somewhere more quiet with both of us drenched.

C: Is it true with the vision and all.

I look at him, I don't know what to say but I can't say it's not cause well cats already out of the bag now. I try avoid eye contact turning my eyes to the floor. Making him realise it is.

C: so it-

Y/n: I don't know all we know is in Bruno's Vision it shows the house with cracks in while me and Mirabel stand infront of it. It could mean anything but most likely it means... what we think it means.


C: cmon follow me

He holds out his hand looking at me with his hazel eyes gesturing to me to take it. I put my hand in his showing I trust him. And he takes me towards this painting.

C: While we were talking Mirabel sorta went in here I have no clue where it leads to but it's seems better than staying out here.

Y/n: in where?

He pulls the painting forwards to reveal a hole behind it.

C:go in there I'll go to Abuela and tell her I saw you run outside or something just follow Mirabel. Bye mi amor!

I watch as he runs away and then do as he says I go into the mysterious hole. I could here Mirabel shouting for someone to wait up?


I finally got the dinner scene done I've wanted to do that scene for ages 😅 anyway thanks for reading next part will be out either tonight or Tomorrow I have school tomorrow again though so I don't know I'll post next it will probably be tomorrow afternoon

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