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I laid in the car occasionally waking from the headlights of other cars. I still couldn't figure out why Draco had been so nice but I wasn't complaining I just tried my best to get sleep something told me tomorrow was going to be a long day.
That morning
I woke up to the sound of tapping on the window. "Rise and shine Promise , I made breakfast if you wanna come in" Draco said after opening the door.
I sat up putting my shoes back on and grabbing the covers saying " yeah here I come".
"Oh no I got it just grab your things and head in , my brother should be in there" he said grabbing the blankets from me starting to fold them.
"Thank you" I said grabbing my backpack.
I walked up the stairs leading to the front door hesitating as I opened it. There on the couch sat what I assumed to be Draco's brother.
"Hey , Dee told me about you . Nice to meet you I'm Za'Montae but you can call me Tae." He said smiling at me.
"Hey , I'm Promise but my friends sometimes call me P." I said not trying to look as shy as I was.
"You have a cute name , you hungry ?" He asked .
"Thank you and yeah a little." I said giggling a little to hide my nervousness.
"Okay come on" he stood up and started to walk and I followed thinking to myself "damn he don't look like he the younger brother"
He lead me to the kitchen where there was breakfast made.
"Want me to make your plate or do you got it ?" He asked me grabbing me a plate.
"I mean , I got it that you" I grabbed the plate from him smiling. I started to get what I wanted as I heard Draco call out to me.
"Yes ?" I said trying to follow his voice a little.
"Oh , I see you met Tae fat head ass" he said laughing.
"I just know you not talk D please don't make me embarrass you" Tae said laughing.
"Alright you got it you got it" Draco said grabbing him a plate.
I laughed a little and continued making my plate.
" you know you can take your book bag off right?" Tae said to me holding his hand out.
"I didn't even realize I still had it on" I said handing it to him as he sat it in one of the chairs. I sat down next to my bag starting to eat my food as Draco joined me.
"I got work at 3." Draco said to Tae.
"Okay?" Tae said in a confused tone.
"So you gone be here with Promise until I get off , make her feel you know at home" he said eating
"Nigga I know what to do." Tae said laughing.
"I'm just making sure because you like to play dumb, sometimes ion think you be playing" he said holding back his laugh.
"Alright don't start I can take care of myself" I cut in laughing a little.
"See she got it Draco she's a grown ass woman" Tae said in sarcastic tone. "Wait how old are you" he asked me .
"I'm 16." I laughed at I answered .
"Damn girl you look grown , you pretty though." He said making full eye contact with me as I looked down at my place feeling my face starting to burn as I hid my smile.
"Thank you." I said starting to eat again hoping my face wasn't telling what I was thinking.
"See you a flirt" Draco said talking to Tae.
"How imma flirt when I was just telling her she was cute." Tae said glancing over at me.
"See look at you , you keep looking at her because you want a reaction." Draco said laughing as he sat his plate in the sink.
"Bro don't talk about me like I'm not here" I said laughing a little as I put my plate in the sink also.
"My bad my bad feisty lil thang" Tae said looking me up and down as I walked past him. I walked to the living room as I heard Tae get smacked in his head.
"Alright alright I quit" Tae said bursting out laughing.
I sat on the couch and Tae sat diagonal to me.
"Turn on a movie or something don't nobody wanna watch this cartoon shit" Draco said looking at the tv.
"It's not even cartoons my nigga it's anime." Tae said picking up the remote.
"Noo." I wanna watch anime. I said shocked that Tae watched it.
"You watch anime ?" Tae asked looking at me.
"Yeah , I just started not too long ago , now I'm addicted." I said smiling .
"You wanna start a new series together?" Tae asked getting excited.
"Yeah" I said taking my shoes off.
"Oh my goddddd I'm finna go in my room" Draco said.
"Bye" Tae said laughing at him. I turned to look at Draco and looked back at the tv.
"So what you wanna watch?" Tae asked.
"Oh have you see my hero?" I asked.
"Nah people from school was telling me to watch it but I never got to it." He said starting to search it up.
"Yeah it looks good." I said grabbing a pillow holding it as I balled up sitting.
"Damn 4 seasons?" He said looking at me.
"Yeah I knowww" I said .
"D she gonna be around that long?" He said looking at Draco.
"I don't know , ask her she's welcome to stay until she finds somewhere. I don't wanna just leave her on the streets or nothing." Draco said starting to go upstairs.
"You got anywhere you wanna be?" Tae asked me.
"Honestly I just want peace." I said looking down at my feet.
"Yeah ... same." Tae said looking at me. He got up sitting next to me. "Hey , you okay ?" He asked noticing I held my head down.
"Yeah I'm fine." I said flashing a smile at him starting to look at the tv.
"Okay , if you say so." He said scooting over a little to give me some space. He clicked the show and I laid on the couch cushion watching tv. A couple minutes went by and I noticed Tae looking at me out the corner of my eye but I ignored it and continued watching tv.
"Can I ask you something?" Tae said suddenly.
"Yeah sure." I said sitting up a little to look at him.
"You talk to someone?" He asked looking away a little.
"Relationship wise ?" I asked.
"Yeah." He answered.
"No." It never really works out.
"Why do you think that is." He asked curiously.
"Eh.. I'm overly mature when it comes to emotions, especially mine. I also have very high standards that no guy my age could meet. There's a lot more but i guess that's the basics." I said still looking at him.
"Oh." He said . I couldn't read his emotions and it bothered me.
"What about you ?" I asked.
"Well , it's complicated. Like you said with the mature thing. She's into toxic stuff and we aren't even serious and it's draining already." He said letting out a side of relief as if the question was hard to answer.
"Well if she doesn't make you happy and y'all don't have the same morals then I don't think you should bother getting attached to her, save yourself the heart break. Put yourself first." I said telling him exactly what I was thinking.
"You're right. I've been thinking that I could fix her but that seems unreal now , toxic stuff excites her." He said taking his phone out.
"Yeah, if it excites her that much I don't think you keep trying. But at the same time I don't know . Follow your gut instinct."I said to him.
"I am." He replied as I turned back to the tv watching.
"Okay , I did." He said to me.
"What you mean ?" I asked confused.
"I blocked her. Like you said there's not point of getting attached to her if I know how she is." He said putting his phone down.
"Wow , my words meant something to him..." I thought to myself beyond shocked. I just sat back and continued watching tv. Everything felt so calm and I loved it beyond words.

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