Over It

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I laid on my floor until the sun began to set . I looked out of my window feeling my eyes swelling from all of the crying I've done. I sat up feeling as if my dad was weighing me down and began to look out the window and said to myself.  "I am done. Done with everything and everyone." I sat on the edge of my bed and took my phone out of my pocket beginning to delete Facebook , Instagram , messenger and snap chat.  I stared at Google classroom hesitant. I lifted my finger over the app and deleted it. "I'm done" I said powering my phone off. I stood up and grabbed my jacket and threw my hood on , sliding my crocs into my backpack along with a couple of outfits . I grabbed my wallet stuffing it into my bag throwing it onto my back after putting my jacket on. I grabbed the strings of my hoodie and pulled them as I walked out my door and going into Nyla and Christian's room to see where Cortland was. I opened the door and I immediately saw him laying in bed with Nyla sleeping . I walked up to him kissing his forehead hugging him as I mumbles in his ear "I love you". "Where you going promise ?" Nyla asked . I looked at her debating rather I should say . "No where just to work" I decided not to tell the truth. "Okay can you bring me a pink drink ." She said practically shrieking. "Yes of course just don't tell my mama you saw me okay" I said not trusting her one bit. "Okay I swear." She said nodding . "I'll bring it to you sometime tomorrow after work okay just answer your phone when I text." I said getting up and closing the door before she could ask me any more questions. I walked down the hall and through the living room. My heart skipped a beat as I saw Chris on the couch. I held my head down walking towards the door . "Where you going ?" He asked snapping . "My friend Makayla from school is having a sleepover and my mom said I could go." I said lying . I had lied so well I even believed myself. "Okay , bye" he said turning his nose at me. I walked out the door slamming it as I began to walk down the street not knowing where to go. I walked past Sage's house but kept walking eyeing Essence's car parked in front of his house. I didn't want to intrude so I walked for what felt like 30 minutes. I saw a park and sat down. I sat there thinking ... thinking about everything . The things that hurt ... the things that make me smile and what makes me cry. I sat there starting to get hungry. "I'll eat tomorrow I need to save all of my money I thought to myself." I sat there playing with my fingers as I heard a familiar voice calling out to me "Aye P?!" I turned my head quickly breaking my neck to look. It was what looked like a boy . I grabbed my things preparing to run. "Who are you?" I said trying not to sound afraid. "It's me ... Draco" he said walking into the light. I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god" I thought to myself.
"What the hell are you doing out here so late and alone at that?" He asked obviously just wanting me safe. I let out awkward giggle as I began to say "oh long story I'll be fine." I said looking at the sky.
"Do you have anywhere to sleep tonight Promise ?" He asked sitting next to me.
"No , and don't ask because I'm not staying with you" I said trying my hardest to push him away.
" I understand if you don't trust me but do you at least want to sleep in my car ?" He asked me.
"Idk ... aye why are you here so late ?" I asked changing the subject briefly.
"Oh I live over here , just needed to take a walk to clear my head." He said obviously trying to earn my trust.
"Oh okay" I said looking at my feet.
"So ... do you want to ?" He asked obviously not going to leave me alone unless I gave him an answer. I started to think about it . I don't have anywhere to go so why not.
"Fine I'll sleep in your car." I said to him feeling kind of embarrassed.
"Okay , come on." He said standing up and grabbing my backpack for me.
"Thank you" I said immediately as I got up and began to follow him.
"I stay right around the corner it isn't far I promise." He said walking slowly so I could keep up.
"I really appreciate you" I said after a while of silence
"Oh it's no problem , I wouldn't want somebody leaving my daughter out at night knowing they could help her , it's only right." He said looking at me flashing a smile. "I wish everyone was like him" I thought to myself.
"So what happened with you ? I mean from what I've seen your people are total ass holes." He said trying to make me feel better .
"Yeah they are . I don't really want to go into detail but long story short my mom kicked my brothers out so I left . She already treated me like shit but I just know it was going to get even worse without them." I said trying to keep it at a minimum.
"That's fucked up , but I know how it feels. It's not a good feeling when the people who brought you here doesn't even care a little. That's why I took my brother and drove until I didn't recognize anything." He said venting a little.
"Really ? How old are yo-" I said stopping myself  "you don't have to answer that , that's pretty personal." I said trying to save myself .
"Oh it's nothing." I'm 18 I'll be 19 next month he said walking. "Damn it" I thought to myself.
"Oh damn , I thought you were younger." I said walking.
"Nah I'm just childish" he said laughing as he walked up to his car opening the door setting my backpack down.
"Thank you ." I said climbing in and laying my head on my backpack. He closed the door and I laid there feeling relieved that I didn't have to sleep outside. I smiled thinking about how nice he was to me. " he barely even knows me" I thought. I sat up when I saw him walking back to the car.
"Here you go " he said giving me a pillow and a blanket.
"Thank you so much" I said taking them.
"Aye you can stop saying thank you ma , I told you I gotchu ... now goodnight" he said closing the door.
"Goodnight ." I said quietly to myself  laying down.

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