Coming Down

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"yoo P wake up." Sage said pulling the covers off of me in a attempt to wake me up. "Promisee wake your ass uppp girl." he said jumping on me and starting to shake me.
"Sagee bruh whaat." I said waking up.
"log into your class you know how your mom is , she love calling my mom on some bullshit." he said giving me his personal laptop as he grabbed his school one sitting next to me.
"mhm you're right." I said yawning as I grabbed the computer and started to log in. I joined the zoom call and sat there waiting for instructions while Sage did the same.
"mannn this bitch ain't talking about shit." Sage said after ten minutes getting annoyed.
"that's pretty much the usual." I said grabbing my phone off the charger to see a notification from Instagram. I clicked it curiously "good morning beautiful 💕." the message read as I immediately started to blush. "oh my goddd of course it's river😩." I thought to myself not being able to control my smile.
"What you smiling at ?" Sage said leaning over to try and look at my phone being nosey.
"oh nothing , I have to go to the bathroom." I said turning my screen away from him getting up.
"mmmhm whatever." he said turning back to his computer. I got up and walked to the bathroom closing the door behind myself and sat on the counter.
"good morning lol 💕" I said not believing he even meant it. I waited a good thirty seconds before I got up and flushed the toilet. As I flushed the toilet my phone went off and the message read "I'm only telling the truth , wyd ?" I smiled to myself. "ughhh why the fuck am I smilinggg so hard ewww since when. " I said to myself.
"nothing sitting in this boring ass class meeting." I typed meaning every word.
"yeah down here they have a choice rather they do virtual or not " he responded almost immediately.
"oh woww where are you from I wish that was the case here , I personally can't learn virtually. " I responded fast.
"yeah well I'm from California hbu ?" he Instantly replied.
"new York , ugh I hate it here." I said truthfully.
"same with me it's so toxic here and the girls treat niggas like me like shit 😕" he said obviously upset about it.
"wym niggas like you ? && that's how it is here people hate different stuff so it always feels like I have "weird" tattooed on my forehead at times." I said kinda of holding back in going too much into detail considering I don't like to bombard people with my problems or thoughts. I opened the door and walked back to Sage's room feeling my phone vibrate as I sat down.
"damn P you had to take a shit ?." he said laughing .
"fuck you Sage." I said pushing him as I laughed and sat down. I looked down at my phone seeing the response. "I say niggas like me as in weird niggas... different niggas I guess , I don't wear stuff because people say they like it and I don't act a certain way because of how people would feel about it and I don't see how people there could treat you like shit you're just so different , beautiful and one of a kind , they're just stupid." he said immediately making me blush. "oh my god no ones ever said no shit like that to me." I thought to myself still smiling but trying to hide it from Sage.
"Promise" my teacher called out to me.
"yes ?" I responded in a annoyed tone.
"you need to turn your camera on or you'll be removed." she said with a salty attitude.
"bro that's a force." I said getting annoyed as I turned the camera on and pointed it at the ceiling. I then grabbed my phone and began to text River back. "nobody's ever said they liked my weirdness in that way before and some guys here are weird but they're scared to show it ... they'd rather wear something to impress the next person rather then wearing something that makes them feel comfortable. I mean I get that it's toxic masculinity or whatever but then they shame the ones who have the confidence to do it so badly to the point where they'd hide it also." I said trying not to rant . I sat my phone down and looked over at Sage. I layed my back on his pillows and put my foot on his face "dork" I said trying to get a reaction out of him.
"see P you love trying me." he said smacking my thigh hard.
"shhhhit- ouch boy why the fuc-." I started to say before I just sat up and miffed his face.
"you aint have to hit me that hard the fuck. " I said laughing rubbing my thigh.
"okay class is ove-" my teacher began to say before I clicked off the call before she could finish her sentence. I sat back and opened my phone starting to scroll through Instagram as I get a text from River I continued scrolling trying not to open it right away. "ugh forget it." I thought to myself opening the message instantly.
"it took me a while to stop caring what people thought , high school was the worst . It made me realize that people are going to talk shit no matter what so why not get talked about for doing something that makes you happy verses something that's a front anyways there's no point its just stupid." I read the message as my mouth semi dropped as I thought to myself. "yooo he gets it what the fuck I've been thinking this for the longest I've never thought I'd find someone who understood that shit besides Sage." I tried to hold myself together trying to make sure it wasn't obvious I was texting someone. I just didn't feel like it was serous enough to tell Sage yet. I took a deep breath and the started to reply.
"I've felt that way for as long as I could remember , im so weird it's ridiculous. I wear different things like chokers and big Platform boots at times because that's typically what I'm comfortable in. Don't get me wrong I don't always dress that way I like to dress "normal" somedays but not all that often. I stopped caring what people said about what I wore after my family started to talk about it. I started to expect it from everyone , but my bestfriend he's always been supportive overall." I said not realizing that I was semi ranting. I grabbed Sage's laptop and joined my second class and sat there. I looked down at my phone to see that River was typing. I began to crack a smile , it soon faded as my mom's number popped up on my.
"oh my fucking god." Sage said seeing her number also. I answered and immediately heared her yelling.
"where the fuck are you ? Cortland has been crying all night you know you're not supposed to leave without telling someone , you been getting real out of place lately and I'm not fucking with it at all! "
"I'm literally next door and I gave him to Cody , why am I the only one that has to keep him ?" I asked her calmly as my phone vibrated.
"did you ask to leave though ? exactly now bring your over grown ass home!" she yelled hanging up in my face.
"oh my fucking God bro." I said angrily throwing my phone.
"P why the fuck-" he said getting mad . He hates when I react to her " P I understand that you're mad but please chill." he said grabbing my phone and grabbing me. I started to cry out of frustration.
"bro I can't keep doing this shit Sage , I deadass can't do shit to stand up for myself or nothing. It's either her or Chris on my back man what the fuck did I do to deserve this shit. Is this karma for something I did?" I cried not being able to hold it in.
"no P you don't deserve this shit don't ever think that forreal , you deserve better bro she's missing out on knowing a good ass person P please calm down I'm begging you." he said starting to get sad with me as he held me.
" I'm trying Sage I really am , it hard for me man. Cortland isn't mine but I swear to God everyone treats him like he is mine and my responsibility. I love him but im tried bro I need a break." I said still crying.
"P look at me ." he said holding my face up as I cried.
"yes." I looked at him teary eyed.
"I'm going to make sure you get away rather we have to rent a apartment together or I give you money to get your own. This is no where near what you deserve P , you've never even taken anyone seriously that long on a relationship level for you to feel like you have a kid bruh this shit aint right." he said wiping my tears.
"yeah , well it's my life." I said holding my head down. I got up and grabbed my cracked up phone as I grabbed my pants putting them on.
"can I come over later?" he said obviously not wanting me to be alone.
"you know how my mom gets Sage , the last thing I want is for you to see that again. Last time I was so embarrassed. " I said trying to grab all of my things as fast as possible.
" but I understand P , you shouldn't be embarrassed. " he said trying to convince me.
"maybe tomorrow Sage , you need to go spend some time with Essence. I know she misses you." I said putting my jacket on.
"oh my god , okay P." he said obviously hurt that I was pushing him away. I grabbed my bag and then walked to him hugging him.
"see you tomorrow?" I said trying to not think about what was gonna happen when I got home.
"yeah." he said hugging me back. I turned his computer off and started to walk down stairs with my boots in hand.
"byeee Promisee !!" Zoey screamed at the top of her lungs running towards me as I picked her up hugging her.
"bye bye Zoe." I said kissing her forehead .
"why are you sad ?" she asked me all frowned up.
"no reason just hit my toe I'll be fine , don't worry about me." I said faking a smile for her as I put her down. I walked out the door not even having enough energy to put my boots on. "isn't life just beautiful ?" I thought to myself....

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