Chapter 5

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Dale: Get back on the bus, kid. Maneuver through.

Mark: We'll move the bodies and the barricades.

You nod and walk inside the bus. You start it up and slowly drive while the others clear the way for you.

Your mind is racing. Why has humanity become like this? Have psychotic people been living amongst everyone?

Are the people you are with right now even considered safe?

You: Are they?

Your head starts to hurt as you stare more into the corpses on the ground.




What more? What more do they want? What kind of life did these people lead, having them kill someone so freely?

You snap out of it and see that you're lagging behind. You drive again, moving your eyes away from the bodies.

You: I need to focus on the future. These people are dead, and that's unfortunate. But I can't do anything about it.

Outside, the four cautiously walk. The place is habitable, so it might be a trap, and these marauders are hiding inside, waiting for the right time to strike.

Dale: These scum just keep increasing their body count.

Russel: And It makes me want to raise mine as well.

Joe: Don't be too bloodthirsty, son. Raise your weapon through purpose, not anger.

Russel: I'm still killing them. What's the difference?

Joe: Kill with purpose. Make sure each life you take has a reason.

The four passes through the town. Without any single marauder on sight, all of them took a breather, putting down their weapons.

You stop just behind them, and Russel walks inside the bus.

Russel: Should we bury them?

You: We can't. There are just too many, and we'll waste too much energy.

As much as these people need a proper burial, they're dead, and you're alive. And those still living need their time for something more beneficial for them.

Russel: Then how about we do a quick prayer for those lost.

Russel points outside. You look in the direction and see a church. Leaving the bus, you take the notebook and the camera.

Russel tells the others the plan, and they follow. The others see the pain written on your face while walking, and none of them know how to cheer you up.

Russel walks up to you and smiles.

Russel: At least those already dead before all this are at peace.

But just like a cruel joke. A bony hand erupts from the ground, grabbing Russel's leg. Russel screams and bashes the hand with his shovel.

You all stare in fear as more rise from the ground, moving, even without any brains or organs.

You: This isn't right.

You raise your rifle and shoot one at the back, the bullet pierces and shatters the skull, and the skeleton falls down, lifeless.

Dead Ahead! (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now