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Chapter Thirty ThreeRaya St Claire

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Chapter Thirty Three
Raya St Claire

I was actually surprised that Archie didn't demand us going in non-lethally like the last mission we were on. I guess he was just as fed up as us being gentle with the people who clearly want to end us and to have our heads on a platter. But the bastards at the docks, especially Waylon's second in command, need to be taught a damn lesson, and the way we're going to do that is to end every single one of them.

When Archie told Rossi and the twins to stay here in case the people who stuck the note to the target with a pocketknife and who sent a pink teddy as a threat came back, they weren't really impressed, but they wanted to catch the bastards who threatened us, but that was almost a week ago, and no threat was sent to us since.

They were at the mansion while Storm, Archie, Ezra, Bear and I were driving in the back of the van. Archie and Storm were sitting in the front. Bear, Ezra and I were sitting at the back, going through some strategies in case things go south.

One can't really plan for things like this, but going in without a plan wasn't an option, either. It was better to have options than going in their completely oblivious, but like I said, things like these can't really be planned beforehand.

Storm passes a series of shops: as a flower shop, a bakery, a coffee-house, and Geoffrey's Club not long after. I could have sworn I heard Geoffrey's choice of pop music playing when we passed his nightclub, making me want to dance.

Maybe I'll ask the newcomer for a dance when the mission is done.

I look at him, wondering if he remembered our first dance at Geoffrey's a while back, and when I turned my head to look at him, he was already looking at me.

The corners of his lips curve up in a slight smile, but then he looks away again.

He has been acting strange for a while now, and every time he wants to talk to me about whatever he wants to talk to me about, there are always distractions, but I swore that today was the day that I will get him to talk to me. I will find out what's wrong with him and I will force it out of him if I have to.

Weeks ago I would have punched him in the face for being sarcastic with me, but I have realised that I missed it more than I want to let on. I even miss his arrogance.

Once we drove past every single shop one could ever find, we finally come to a stop near what looks like an abandoned museum. We were just outside town, about twenty minutes from Geoffrey's Club, but still outside town nonetheless.

I frown, scanning the building of the museum through the windshield of the SUV.

I look to Archie who noticed the same thing—an abandoned museum.

This can't be right. I thought. It has been abandoned for quite a while now.

"I called Nikolai before the meeting." Archie says, still looking at the museum's broken building a few feet in front of us. "He says that there's an unknown gang hauled up here. It must be the people we're looking for."

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