Hanging out with Jinho

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'To think I'd be saved by Yuo.'


I look inside my wardrobe seeing only uniforms inside it.

'I forgot I only had Uniforms...'


I look beside me and saw a casual black skirt with pockets and White T-shirt with a little bow suddenly in my bed. I could assume it was Yuo or Yoi.


Hearing a notification, I take my phone from my bed and took a look at the notification.

[No need to thank me, I know im too nice.

From your Savi-]

I throw my phone quickly before I even finished reading the notification with a annoyed face. It was clearly obvious what word I didnt finish reading.

My vein popped off forehead showing my anger for Yuo.

'This annoying bastard. I wont need those clothes.'


'I said I wont but here I am.'

I sigh in disappointment. I take my phone from my took a look at the time.

'Shouldve just waited for him to call me rather than standing here waiting.'

Jinho appeared right in front of me, with his hands in his pockets.

"Your here early." Jinho stands infront of me with the same hoodie and ripped jeans.

"Jinho! I should be saying that to you!"

While I hold a smile, he holds a uninterested face.

"If you have nothing to bring, then let's go."


I walk beside him heading to the bus stop. We then waited for the bus in silence. I ofcourse, break the silence since there's no way Jinho would do it.

"Hey Jinho, Where are we going anyways?" I said.

He gave me a smirk with a cunning evil eyes. Giving me goosebumps.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Jinho?"



I stand in a long line in a game store near a restaurant l, Leaving me behind, alone here while he go buy some books and food. It's been quite a while since I have stand here.

'He says he would come back soon...Hurry up!'

"What the hell is Jinho doing...!?"

It was Myung-Hee and Lee Kiyoung sitting in a chair in a nearby Cafe with disguises on. Near where Seo-yeon is standing.

"Its kinda impressive how Seo-yeon still hasn't snap yet..."

"I agree...If I were her, I would have just say 'I'm done'. And walk away."


"Also, thanks Kiyoung for coming with me!"

"No problem, besides I also want to go to the mall to buy some-"

"Ah-! The store is opening!"


"The windows are opening"

I then felt a tap from my shoulder.

I look at the person who tapped me, it was Jinho asking me to move.

'Is that what you do to people who made a favor from you by asking them to stand in a line while you have fun?'

I agreed and step back from the line, as soon as I did it Jinho quickly taked my spot.

The entrance started to open and the fakes started to push toward making Jinho...pushing more forward than them.

His eyes shows determination.

'He's so determined.'

I walk away from the line. And looked at the aggressive blackened characters and Jinho run inside the store at a incredibly scary speed.

That it made my short hair go flying in the air.

It made my mind curious as to what game it was that made him so determined.

I look at the window with posters called Super Smash Bros.

'....That game sounds familiar, I wonder why...'


Jinho calls me out with a small bag with the logo GameBoy on it.

It seemed like he was already done with the store I waited for minutes to open. And had to stand up for many minutes.

"Y-yes!?" I answered.
'Why are u here so quick...'

"What were you looking at?" He looks at the poster that I was currently staring and looked back at me.
"That's not the game I'm buying." He says in denial.

'Its not?'
"Really? Then what is it?"

"Its a horror game similar to Class T, also dont forget to bring the book back in Tuesday."

"But didn't you just said when I finish it-?"
'Change of plans huh? I'll punch you I haven't even started reading it ever since I came home.'

"I changed my mind."

'...' 'Well, I dont like it anyways, you f-'
"Alright then!"

"Where should we go?"


"You decide, I already got what I want."

"You mean...I decide?"

"Are you deaf?"

'Yeah I am. What are you going to do about it!? Its just...'

"Before you decide, I'm hungry. Let's go to a restaurant."

"Ah sure! I am too!" I agree with him.

Food...I wonder what it looks like, since all the food in the cafeteria I see were only black and had no taste. Except the main characters food.

We went to a restaurant by Jinho's choice and ordered the same food.

'I wonder what kind of food is Jinho going to eat...'

The waiter approached to us and hand us our meals surprisingly both our meals had colors?

'Why is my meal colored? Well, it doesn't matter if it has colors since it would have no taste as well....' I look at the food with no expectations and with expectations. Praying it would have taste, while also trying to get myself to stop.

"Are you going eat or what?" Jinho looks at me holding his food on a fork. It seemed like he already ate a quarter of his food.

I take my fork and dived it in on the food and slowly put it inside my mouth.

I began to eat it and surprised me with....

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