Continue To Be a Background Character

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I lifted my finger and chose to ignore it.

I turned my phone off ignoring the message and got on to my bed and sleep.

I woke up and did the most basic people do.
I walked to the school acting like a background character.

You may ask why did she decline? I didnt decline just because of the 'punishment' I just wanted to be alone. Since I know what's going to happen in the future ill get a lot of trouble and bothersome people being jealous also It doesn't feel that bad being alone.

I sit on my desk and continued acting like a background character. Class hasn't started yet Im starting to feel sleepy and tired.

'Is it because of my conversation with Yuo last night?'

My eyes were starting to close and decided to go to the library.

"Ill be at the library if you need me!"

"..." he was busy playing games on his phones and didnt notice me.

'Ignorant as always'

I left the classroom heading to the library.
I entered the library and saw a empty space where you can spend your time alone. It had a window with a bench infront of it

'My sleeping space.'

I head to the empty bench and lay on it to sleep.

I checked my phone and saw that it was 6:30 and class start at 7:35 so that means I have ebough time to sleep. Come to think of it this is the first time I ever checked the time.

I closed my eyes and slept.

I suddenly heared small voices kept talking and disturbed my sleep.

I opened my one eye and saw two blackened characters talking.

Their names was.

'Choi Hoseok and Ha-rin? What are some background character doing here?'


I could hear them talking but only words that weren't clear. I ignored them and continued to sleep.

I felt a stare that disturbed my sleep, I opened my eyes and saw a black character in front of me squatting.


I stand up in my bench and looked at the black character.

'Why was this guy staring at me? A background character shouldn't be able do this...This hasnt happened before. Usually black characters would avoid me and never batted an eye on me except those two girls...they are different though! They only paid attention to me because I directed attention to them but a random character? And its a black character at that?'

I stared at him while he was staring at me back, squatting. I look beneath him and saw that the sign beneath him was empty.

'This guy is nameless? Is he part of Yuo's group or something? Or not all black characters have names in them?'

"You must be confused why I move different from others."

'How did he-'

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