Today Has Many Surprises

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I look at him surprised.

"Y-you didnt have to do that you know.."
'What the hell..'

"I saw it first so it makes sense for me to take it off right?"

"Jae-sun. "




"Months ago, when I left you doing the library all alone. I'm sorry."

I don't mean anything I said. Since, they are just characters from a novel. But,

"Its okay, I have gotten used to this kind of things."

The moment you said those words my heart stopped, as I look at him almost speechless.

'...Is he serious?'

"People depend on me so much, that I have gotten used to doing it alone."

This guy..

"So you don't have to worry about it Seo-yeon."

I stand up from my chair as I slammed my hands into the table.

"Even though I left you doing the work alone you still forgave me, are you nuts?"

For some reason, my mouth wanted to say those words. It felt like I wanted to say it for years.

There was a scene in the novel where Myung-Hee found out about Jae-sun being forced to do all of their work.

I didn't feel a single thing about that scene, and just kept turning pages with a bland face.

But why is it different now?

"Of course, you were busy after all." He tells me.

"Busy? Did you know I sit on my desk and sleep. While you were working hard I was on my bed sleeping. Did you know that?" "Jae-sun. You don't have to keep everything to yourself. That's why you have friends."

Jae-sun, you might think he's cold. But he's actually a caring guy. The first time I saw him, he was smiling coldly. I couldn't tell why he was doing this and what he's thinking at all. But after seeing the novel I realized, he was just like that because of his mother. I almost thought he was the same as Kiyoung but. I was fucking wrong.

"Jae-sun, after I say this you can be angry at me, scream at me or even slap at me for saying something this stupid. I wouldn't mind at all. But, don't be an idiot, and be a asshole for once Jae-sun."

'This is the second time I've done this. Did my tone sound the same? I didn't sound cold anything right? Fuck.'


His words were disrupted with a cocky voice.

"Jae-sun, you were here?"

There, in the entrance were two blackens and one boy who seems to be a little older and with a appearance of a blonde hair.

"Jae-sun! Listen, me and my friends really needs to do something, it's very important. You look pretty free."

He looks at us with a annoying smile.


"So Jae-sun, will it be okay if you can do my cleaning duty today?"

'So what will you answer, Jae-sun?'


(Looks sus so I'll edit this tomorrow probably👍 sorry for the late update guys. Kept changing like crazy)

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