Part 54

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Monday came. The Sound of the alarm awakened me and I turn off the alarm.

'I need to get ready.' I said as I lie in my bed.

I stand up from my bed and wore my uniform. I walk pass the living room as I see the album and the book lying on the table.

'I should bring it with me.'

I take my backpack and set off to school.

I look ahead of me and see Hoseok with his bike walking along with it.

'Why is he walking along with it? Well it's none of my business.'
"Moning Hoseok!"

He turns around and looked at me with shining eyes.
"Seo-yeon! Morning! So about my album...."

'Getting straight to the point huh.'
"Ah it's right here!"

I take the album from my bag and hand it to him.

"Wah~ thank you Seo-yeon!" He tells me while hugging the album.

"No problemo!"
'I can't believe I wasted my time buying that thing. Well whatever, it's not like I had anything to do.'

"Hey Seo-yeon, wanna hop on to my bike to school?" He tells me smiling.

'...I guess.'
"Of course! Walking is so tiring...."

"Then hop on!"

'Guess it wont hurt.'

Air rushes through my hair and my face.

'This is much fun than I thought..'

The bike turns left with in front a slowdown bump.

Hoseok looks at me as he says "Brace yourself! A bump!"

"Hey wait-!"
'Hold on- I have to-'

I close my eyes preparing for impact.

The sound of the bike walking through the bump with a little turbulence.

"Seo-yeon? You can stop now, I'm going to suffocate."

I open my eyes closely as I realize I hugged him too tightly.

'I didnt want to fall.'

"Say, is this your first time on a bike?" He asks me.

"Who knows!"

"What??? Tell me~ I'm really curious!"

We look ahead as we realized we already arrived. We hop off his bike as we exchange goodbyes.

"See you later Hoseok!"

"See ya Seo-yeon!"

I enter the building as I walk through the hallways going towards to my classroom.

I put his book onto his desk as I see he still hasn't arrived.

'I'm tired. I wish I can skip school. Goddamn it Yuo.'

I look at clock infront of me as I see I still have time to relax.

'Where should I go? Somewhere where the main characters would never go...ah!'

I arrived at the art club as I see the blackened characters painting or sculpting something.

I lay down to the couch and seemed nobody batted an eye.
'I got here too early. Probably because I stumbled upon Hoseok.'
"Well whatever. I still have 30 minutes to rest."

I take my phone as I alarm it to 10 minutes.
'That should be enough.'

I didnt sleep or anything. I just layed down on the couch as I look at the arts the blackened character are painting.

'They are quite talented.'

I take a look closer to one of their paintings.

'...Have I seen this before?'

A girls voice catches my ear, as I see Myung-Hee smothered her face through the window looking at me.

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